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After another 2 months of recovery...
And a 2 hour plane ride...

Pete and Patrick are back in Parkdale.

"Parkdale looks the exact same." Pete laughs as they walk out of he coffee shop hand-in-hand.

"The coffee still tastes fucking amazing." Patrick takes another deep sip.

"Mhmm." Pete wraps his lips around the straw and also takes a long sip.

"Where should we go?" Patrick asks, cocking his head.

They've already said hi to their parents and talked for 3 hours about everything. They let Pete and Patrick head around Parkdale together and relive their childhood.

"I don't know."

Pete's arm goes around Patrick's waist and pulls him closer. Patrick smiles and looks up at him.

"I think there's a park nearby, we could take a walk there. I bet it'd be beautiful." Patrick leans his head against Pete.

"I bet it would be beautiful." Pete's feet carry him in the familiar direction of the park. "You just walking in would make it even prettier." He leans his nose to Patrick's.

Patricks face shines crimson. Pete laughs and presses his lips to Patrick's quickly. They walk around, unfamiliar faces making the town only vaguely familiar. The people living here are much different from in California.

"Today wasn't the best day to go out." Patrick frowns at the sky, who frowns back with various shades of grey.

"The weatherman only said 35% chance." Pete deflates.

"Let's hope he's right." Patrick mumbles.

This is what he hates about Parkdale.

It's always threatening rain.

It's always threatening him.

Pete remembers the corner. There's a stone wall before you turn into the park. It brings back a flash of a memory.

"Stop!" Patrick laughs as he rushes down the sidewalk, hopping out of peoples way.

"Get back here!" Pete dodges families and hurdles small children.

"Find me!" Patrick cries, disappearing around the stone wall.

Pete laughs, out of breath, looking around for Patrick. It is a good day, a really good one. It was their first weekend back together after looking at colleges for a month. They now spent all their time together, sending in admissions and collecting their responses . The sun is shining, barely a cloud in the sky. Patrick's smile only looked brighter, his hair only looked sleeker, his eyes only looked sparklier.

"Baby...?" Pete stalks around the corner.

Patrick is squatting with his knees to his chest, holding back his giggles with a red face. When Pete spots him, he bursts out laughing. Patrick stands seconds later but Pete already has him pinned to the wall. Pete's hands slide around his waist and Patrick's arms encircle around his neck. They share a kiss, being that annoying couple basically anywhere.

They didn't care though. They were in love. Pete was sure it was never going to break up.

"I love you." Pete looks at Patrick suddenly.

Patrick smiles confusingly. "I-I love you too."

Their shoes hit the soft grass and they walk. The park was decently empty as the sky threatened to bring hells reign. Only a few people with their dogs or joggers with the golden weather for a run.

The Storm Comes Before The RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now