vlogging and meeting strangers

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"So I'm currently in Naksan Park trying to explore Seoul as much as I can," I said to myself while holding out my Canon G7x. I started to trail off and stared blankly into the camera.

"Shit, even if I'm alone this feels really weird," I mumbled to myself. I started to then plop down my big yellow backpack and took out my drone. I started to set it up and took some really cool aerial shots. I was moving back until I bumped into something or someone.

"Shit, fuck, mother fucker" I cursed trying to gain control of my drone and safely landing it into the ground

"I'm sorry," A guy's voice said.

"Shit no, sorry but thank God it's not broke!" I was relieved. I started to carry my drone and faced the man who bumped into me.

"I'm sorry again, Miss." He said. He was tall, he had freshly bleached hair and was wearing something very fashionable for a walk in the park.

"Nah, it's cool." I paused and looked at him.

"You look awfully dressed up for walking in the park... Sia la, you're one of those Instagram influencers? That's cool." I said.

"Well actually I'm ----," he was cut off by someone.

"Hey, excuse me, Miss, this is an area of the park which is closed for a private shoot," another man said.

"Shit," I muttered. "I'm actually leaving anyway, I was here a while back and I was alone I didn't know this place was booked, I'm sorry," I said picking up my things. "Can I shoot my own stuff somewhere there though?" Pointing at the farther end of the park. I got his approval and I left.

"Miss!" The first guy calls out. I turned back but he was dragged away by some other guys dressed fashionably as well. I went and I started to find a spot so I could dump my files onto my computer. I sat down, took out my vlog camera and started speaking.

"Oh my God, you guys would never guess what just happened to me!" I was talking to myself again - well, to the viewers. "So like I said earlier I was in Naksan right? Yeah, so a guy literally bumped into me or maybe I bumped into him, I don't know but I'm literally in a corner trying to film because apparently this place was booked for a private shoot or something. I'm going to try and show you guys but there are men trying to watch me. This is so creepy if I don't make it at least the people watching this will see hours before my death or disappearance!" My eyes widened "Oh shit, I psyched myself out. I'm knocking on wood." Good thing there was a tree so I knocked three times before speaking again. "Okay, so that's that, Hopefully, the vlogs won't be ending here. See you in a bit!"

I said before turning off my camera. I transferred my files and started editing. Taking out my headphones and I was focused. I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I started daily vlogging about two-three years ago. I wasn't one of those big-time youtubers, I had a decent amount of subscribers and I spent the last three years saving up all my Youtube money so I can travel and maybe live somewhere out of my comfort zone.

This was my first time in South Korea and I had fallen in love with the country ever since I stepped out of the airport. I had been living here for two weeks now and it's safe to say that I don't want to leave any time soon. So during my second week, I've been actually sending out my resumes everywhere in hopes of getting a work visa here. I actually enjoyed spending time here and made friends my first week.

As I'm currently editing my vlog for tomorrow, my attention was blocked by someone in some pretty nice sneakers. I looked up, and it was that guy who I bumped into while shooting my drone.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked nicely.

"Hi again, I didn't get your name." he reached out for a handshake. I put my laptop down and used his hand so I can stand up.

"Why on earth would you want to get my name?" I said. There were two other guys with him. One of them had orange hair and the other one had blonde hair. The blonde haired guy whispered something to the orange-haired guy. Both of them looked at me. I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Okay, three things." I started off. "One, I'm Nina, I'm from Singapore. Second, you guys look like you're doing a shoot? I might get kicked out of here for talking to you because I feel you guys are like famous or something. And lastly... Fuck you," I looked at the second guy with the blonde hair. "I understood what you said to him," referring to the guy with orange hair. "naneun hangugmal-eul ihaehanda. I understand a little bit of Korean. Perv."

"I like you already," the first guy with blonde hair said.

"I'm Kim Seok-jin. You can call me Jin. His name is Taehyung," pointing to the guy with blonde hair, "and he is Jimin," referring to the guy with orange hair.

"Say Ji-mi-ni-ba-bo," Taehyung said.

"I said, I understand Korean a little bit but I'm not gonna tell Jimin he's a fool, kaipo wah" k I smiled.

"Hey guys, it's your turn now!" A voice called them out. "Jin-hyung!" the voice called.

"Guess you have to go now," I said.

"Can I at least talk to you after this?" Jin said. "Uh, actually I have to go somewhere. You can watch my vlog though." Wow Nin, smooth. Lowkey promote your Youtube.

"Look up Nini Panini," I said. Oh my gosh. I'm cringing. Why did I ever choose Nini Panini? I waved goodbye and ran off so I can catch the bus back to my Airbnb.

I started to vlog again "Hey guys so I'm currently back to my Airbnb and I'm gonna have to start looking for apartments here. I feel like I'm going to be staying here after all." I smiled and vlogged my way back to my temporary home. I was able to stop by and grabbed milk tea and chicken for dinner. I was wrapping up filming so I can immediately finish editing and start to upload the vlog. After I was done editing, I checked emails. It was a mix of potential sponsorship and partnership deals. I did, however, receive emails from companies I have applied to last week. "This must be a good sign then," I whispered to myself.

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