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Stay strong. please. don't cut your wrists. Don't kill yourself. Don't cry over a guy or girl. don't think about the bad things in your life. You are worth so much more than that. you may not know it but you are. i know what you are thinking. but you don't know me. i know i dont. but that doesnt matter. every human being or animal or creature or what ever anything is deserves to live. even serial killers or terrorists or lunatics. everyone deserves to breath and have a life and live. that is their freedom. you are a living being. you deserve to live. you deserve happiness. you aren't worthless. more people care for you than you think. you are strong. i know you are. so please stop hating yourself. stop crying, pick yourself up and dont let anyone stand in your way. but who am i kidding. im a hypocrite. I cut (or use too till my mom found out). i hate myself. i think about suicide. i cry over a guy. im weak. im a fucking hypocrite. but maybe someone thinks this about me who knows. maybe someone cares.

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