I'm not me

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Don't I just look so happy? So full of life. I laugh the hardest at the corniest jokes and seem like I see the best in life. I always am seen with smile. I blush if someone compliments me. I act crazy and weird. I skip instead of walk. I sing and hum and do weird dances to make people smile. And to get my way I look at you with this weird play mad face just to get you to laugh.

But this is not me. This is the me I want you to see. When you aren't looking I seem to lose that twinkle. When I'm locked up in my bedroom at night I'm crying and cutting. When you actually do see what I feel you become scared. And worried. But that's the reason I put up my fake mask to hide the darkness. So you aren't scared or worried. So you laugh at my jokes and don't pity me. I don't need anyone's help. I'm fine. I've been fine throughout these 4 years of depression. I don't need help.

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