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She stares in the mirror. She looks and sees nothing. She wonders why she's not as pretty or funny or smart or full of life as the other girls. She wonders why she hates herself. She wonders what the meaning of her life is if she sees nothing she likes. Why has she held on to nothing all this time. Then she realised she doesn't need to hang on. She doesn't need to cry anymore. She will be happy when it's over. And she will finally give those mean girls what they want. They don't want her in their life? Fine. Then she won't be. She gets in her closet, pulls out her pills and gets het razor from the bathroom. "Finally I'm free" she thinks. She sits and cries while writing the letter. She sits on her bed and cuts deeper than she ever has before. She takes all 37 of the pills. Then she lies down on her bed and drifts off. A lonely girl, frozen in the darkness of her mind. And now she is gone. She is finally free. Like she always dreamed to be.

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