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The silence of the hospital was surely something to keep me awake. I only got 3 hours of good sleep the night before, 5 in total but many quick spurs of being wide awake. It's now 7:45 and I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon. Many of the other patients in the same ward were also starting to wake up and a few had gotten their daily visitors already.
Mr. Ryans next door had 3 visitors daily, his wife, his daughter, and his grandson. They were the sweetest, I had ran into them when I went to the front room their first day coming here and led them to Mr. Ryans room.
Mr. Ryans was now 67, he had been informed he had stage three lymphoma. Mrs. Ryans wasn't sure what to do, and their daughter, Carly, reassured her that everything would end well.
"Ding dong, we're here Anabelle!" Grayson came in with Parker and Ethan behind him. I sighed and blinked a few times, rubbing my stuffed nose on my hand and waving to them. "Hey guys." I sat up and adjusted the hospital blanket I had been using. "The doctor said you could get out today, you just have to sign a few papers. Wanna go to a movie with us?" Parker said, sitting on the edge of the bed beside me. She handed me another change of clothes and I nodded while taking the bag, "I'm ready to go now. Come on."
The four of you were now walking into the theatre, ordering the food and Grayson showing the usher our tickets he had preordered online. Parker and I held two large popcorns for the four of us to split while Grayson held the icees and Ethan held all the extra goodies we had gotten.
"We're towards the top, F 16-19." Grayson started walking up the stairs and took a seat at 16, Parker sat at 20, Ethan beside Grayson, so I was stuck sitting between Ethan and Parker.
x Ethan x
The way her hair fell over her shoulders, parted closer to the right side. She smiled widely at me and waved, her fingers moving ever so slightly.
I wasn't sure why I had ever thouhht to hurt her. I had no reason to, she's gorgeous. And I'm the reason she believes she isn't.
x Anabelle x
"You alright Ethan? You look a little, I don't know, lost?" I waved at him to get his attention and he proceeded to blink a few times before responding, "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." He let out a puff of air and I nodded before continuing to walk along the path the four of us had ventured to.
The trees started to cover more of the grass and the path slowly started becoming dirt rather than the bricks and cement it had been when we started.
"Guys! Come here!" Parker poked her head out from inbetween a few trees and motioned for the three of us to come over. We walked over and followed her into the trees to a small pond.
The grasshoppers seemed to have gotten louder as we got more into the pond and the fish were hopping out of the water one by one, splashing around.
"You think we can go swimming in here?" Grayson suggested, taking one of his shoes off and dipping it in the water.
"Probably not, but let's do it anyway." Ethan said, lifting his shirt off over his head and slipping the rest of his clothes, besides his underwear, off.
I stood their and shook my head as I stayed fully clothed, the other three not noticing I wasn't in the water with them.
"Are you coming Anabelle?" Parker said, swimming out of the water and pulling me closer to it. I shook my head and responded, "I think I'd rather stay dry today"
After a few minutes of Parker trying so very hard to convince me to get in the water with them, I agreed.
I slipped my shirt off over my head and sighed when I looked down. "Come on Anabelle!" Parker ran back into the water and made a huge splash. My jeans slipped down from over my thighs and I ran my fingertips over the month old scars that had still been displayed very prominently. After a minute of thinking about it, I ran into the water without a second thought.
okay its seriously been AGES since ive updated but if ur still here, here is another update! I hope yall enjoyed bc this is kind of a filler :,) xx kaylynn

FEAR . ethan dolan Where stories live. Discover now