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read a/n at the end xx
I sighed as I kicked at the rocks that were placed underneath the steps that led up to my house. I sat on the top step, waiting for Parker to show up. We decided tonight would be a good night to go to a party, considering it was a nice Saturday night outside and neither of us had been to a party in at least 3 weeks. 

She showed up shortly after sporting a white tube top and long floral-like pants that were cinched at the waist and flowed out more towards her lower leg. Her makeup was already completed and she left her hair down.

"Let's go inside and get you ready sister." Parker pulled me up off the step and I followed her inside my house. We waddled up to my bedroom and she sat me down in my desk chair, ready to do my makeup. 

I wasn't surprised at the turn up of the party. It was just as big as it normally is and people were still drinking, smoking, and a few were snorting some things. 

I never really understood why people did this stuff until I went to my first party. I get it now. They do it to get rid of the pain, even if it's just for that slight bit. Who knew so many kids were struggling with their inner selves and nobody seemed to realize it? 

Nobody seemed to realize that half of these kids were out smoking pot and getting blackout drunk as often as they could for the sole purpose of staying happy for even the slightest moment. 

"Parker, Anabelle! Come on in, guys." Grayson led us through the crowd of people and we ended up in the kitchen, Ethan sitting on the counter with a red solo cup in his hand. Parker walked over to the counter and poured herself a glass, 

"Do you want any?" She motioned her glass towards me and I shook my head, "No thank you." 

I waved her off and smiled before walking off to see what everyone else was doing. You could hear the screams of girls, you could smell the marijuana, and you could see the many many kids silently downing their alcohol. It wasn't surprising though. This is a normal party in our neighborhood, to be honest. 

"Anabelle, everything alright?" I felt a familiar hand rest on my shoulder and I turned around to be greeted by Ethan, 

"Everythings fine. We should get back over to Parker and Grayson. Don't want Amanda to see us, you know?" I walked passed Ethan, expecting him to follow behind me. When I turned around to see if he was, he wasn't there. 

Must've walked away, I guess. 

I shrugged it off and walked around to find Parker and Grayson. I felt a hand grab onto my wrist, and I soon got pulled off into the crowd of people,

"I told you to stay away from Ethan." Amanda glared at me but kept a tight grasp on my wrist, being sure not to let go. 

"He came up to me, I can't control it." I tried to walk away from her and get her tight grip off my wrist, but she retracted and gripped onto my wrist again, pulling me back. 
"Look, I'm trying to have a good time here. Chill out and let me go." I whipped around and loosened her grip once again before walking away and back to the party.
"Anabelle! Come play beer pong with us!" Parker pulled me along to a table surrounded by a bunch of people, Ethan and a girl Tasha were playing against eachother currently.
Tasha was the type to act stupid for guys, and that's exactly what she did right now. She sloppily threw the ball in order to miss.
"Jesus, fuck. Okay. Give me the ball." I picked Parkers half full cup out of her hand and downed it quickly, waiting for Ethan to take his turn.
I gently tossed the ball and made it in in one swift movement.
"Shit, Anabelle! We've got a pro in here, guys!" Jack yelled, pointing at me and lifting my arm up. I laughed at his manners and walked over to the side Parker, Grayson, and Ethan were on.
"Anabelle, who knew you were so good at cup pong?" Grayson said, and I laughed and nodded before my eyes started to go black.
"Anabelle! Wake up." Parker poked at me and I rolled over before sitting up again.
"This is why you don't drink that much, Anabelle. You're clearly a lightweight." Ethan said, helping me get up from the couch. I must've only been out for a few minutes because the party was still going on.
From the corner of my eye I saw Amanda standing behind the couch within the crowd, staring at me and then at Ethan.
"I uh, gotta go." I got up and ran off, away from Ethan so Amanda wouldn't get any ideas.
As I walked to the kitchen to grab another cup, I stumbled quite obviously.
"Anabelle? You alright?" Ethan stood behind me and I grabbed my cup before stumbling away from him. Before I could get to far he grabbed onto me and turned me around,
"What's going on, Anabelle?"


Ahh okay heres another chapter, i hope you guys enjoy:)
Question? I have a grayson fic im working on and i was wondering if you guys think i should publish that? I personally think its good but if you guys dont think youd read it then i might just scrap it ahah :,)
xx Kaylynn

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