14. Kick Ass "Virus"

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face - which is rare because I am not a morning person. I glanced over at a sleeping Gaige and couldn't help the bubble of happiness that started up in my stomach...wait a minute.

All of a sudden, bile quickly made its way up my throat and I had to throw my hand over my mouth to keep it down. I fought my way away from Gaige and ran to the bathroom.

I emptied the contents of my stomach - which wasn't much considering I just woke up - into the toilet. When I was finished. I washed out my mouth and looked in the mirror. I looked for the obvious signs of sickness, pale face, dark circles, dull eyes... and nothing. If anything, I looked a little better than I normally would in the morning. My skin had this sort of..glow to it and my hair was healthy and almost shining.

I frowned and ran a hand through my hair, "That's weird," I mumbled to myself as Gaige walked up behind me. wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his nose in my neck.

"What's weird," he asked, his warm breathe fanning over my mark.

"Do you notice anything different about me," I asked and he looked up at me through the mirror.

"No," he said shaking his head, "But you smell even better than you normally do." I laughed and he nuzzled my neck, "I could just eat you up," he whispered seductively, nipping at my mark. I moaned, temporarily forgetting about my subtle changes in appearance. 

Gaige pulled me into his chest and pressed his lips firmly onto mine. Nipping at my bottom lip, I quickly granted him entrance which he took full advantage of. Our tongues danced in a tango as old as time, until my stomach let out a large grumble and he pulled back with a laugh, "Let's go get something to eat," he said and I nodded, following him out of our bedroom.

We walked down the stairs into the kitchen where Jason and Lanee sat, eating fried eggs and bacon. I locked in on Jason's plate, but knowing me well, he pulled his plate away and pushed a plate of my own in front of me. I smiled and sat down across from Lanee, "Thank you, kind sir," I said and dug in.

Gaige laughed and sat down beside me, starting on his plate. After we finished, Gaige and I went back up stairs to our bedroom.

"I'm going to take a shower, babe," I said and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. Once I was finished in the shower, I threw on a pair of yoga pants, a tank and put my hair up in a bun.

I walked back into our bedroom and Gaige was laid out on the bed. "Hey, Hadleigh called and wanted you to come by hers and Blake's."

I nodded and slipped on a pair of flip flops. "You coming," I asked as I picked up my phone and headed towards our bedroom door.

He shook his head, "Nah. I have some papers I have to balance the packs bank account, and all that fun stuff," he said sarcastically. "You go see your sister. I'll be here when you come back." He got up off of the bed, gave me a soft peck on the lips, then went down the stairs to his office.  I smiled after him, but made my way out to my car.

I pulled into my sister's driveway and looked up at her cute little house. Hadleigh and Blake had bought it a month or two ago and I absolutely loved it. Of course it was still on Luna Lumen Pack territory, but it was secluded away from the hustle and bustle that was the pack house, but still running distance away. It wasn't huge, it had just enough room for themselves and Marleigh. It made me want a house for just Gaige and I.

Trying Not To Love You ~ JHTBY Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now