Chapter 5

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When I woke up in the morning Jaclyn's head was on my chest. I really had to go pee and get ready for magcon but I didn't want to wake her. I slowly tried to get up. Aaron and jack.j were already getting ready.

"Hey" she said softly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said

"It's okay I had to get up anyway" she said and got up walking past me running her hand along my back. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Don't do that Aaron and jack are right in the bathroom" she said and walked over to her suit case.

"Guys are you almost done in there" Jaclyn asked standing in the door way of the washroom.

"Yup I'm done right now. Wear something appropriate" jack said to her.

"I'm done too" Aaron said.

She came out wearing blue shorts and a batman shirt with her brown hair in a headband. She looked beautiful.


When we got back to the hotel that night Cameron and taylor were already sleeping. Me and Katie cuddled up with a blanket on the couch since the both had a bed. When I woke up taylor was already awake and Cameron was still sleeping.

"Morning" taylor said

"Morning" I replied

"Don't make to much noise the boys are planning a prank on Cameron you can wake him up" he said

"What are they going to do?" I asked

"Just pour ice all in his bed and on him" taylor said.

I nodded my head and woke Katie up.

"Wakey Wakey" I said shaking her.

"Ugh go away I'm tired" she said and pushed me away

"It's magcon today, your coming right?"

"I dont know" she said

"What?! Why?!"

"I don't feel like getting up" she said

I laughed a little then said "please come"

"Fine" she said and sat up.

All the boys,Jaclyn and Alyssa came in with buckets of ice. Taylor pulled out his phone and the all counted to 3 and dumped the ice all over Cameron's bed. Within seconds he woke up. Everyone started laughing and Cameron got up and went to the washroom.

"Katie now is your time to go talk to Cameron" I said

She nodded and walked over to the washroom where Cameron was coming out of.

"Cam can I talk to you" I heard her ask.

"Ya" he said and they walked out into the hall


I walked out of the washroom and Katie asked to talk to me. I agreed and followed her out onto the hall.

"Um okay I don't really know how to say this" Katie said to me.

"Just spit it out I need to go get ready" I know I sound rude but I'm just really fed up with her right now. I just try to do what's best for her and she makes it see like I'm the bad guy.

"Okay well I like Matt and he likes me" she said.

I saw this coming. Matt is a good guy but at anytime the fame could get to him. I want my sister to have a good relationship where he can spend a lot of time with her. She will become attracted to Matt and he won't have a lot of time for her. I don't support her with Matt or any of the guys.

"Ya okay continue" I said crossing my arms.

"Well we are dating" she said.

"I don't support that Katie" I said

"Why Cameron! Why because I'm happy?! Give me 3 reasons why you don't support it"

"1.because your a distraction to him 2.the fame can get to him at any moment and he will forget about you and you will be hurt and 3.because you need someone that will spend a lot of time with you, and Matt won't be able to do that" I said.

"Your full of shit. I won't distract him, the fame would never make him forget about me we would end the relationship if we couldn't handle it and I can go on tour with him and spend lots of time together. There is also something called a Long distance relationship but whatever I don't need you to approve of who I can date and who I can't. It's my life not yours I can make my own choices I don't need you to make them for me" she said and stormed back into the room.

Why can't I have a sister that listens to me like jack.g does.

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