Even with all the blushing and cuteness, he replied in a calm voice, "Sir Guardian, I'm sorry, but the answer as to why you came here will be given after we enter Helevan."
Did he just throw the part where I said not to call me Sir Guardian in the trash bin? And what? We're still not in this so-called Helevan yet?
With all the dazzling beauty and nonsense in my head, I didn't even get to see exactly where I was. Except for the fact that this place was much brighter than that pitch black of nowhere that I was stuck until I met my Angel!
After sorting out like 10% of my curiosity, I finally looked around to see where I was and what this place was if not that Helevan!
As far as my memory serves, I remember grandma saying that the Helevan place was quite similar to our own world yet a lot different. Remembering this just made me even more confused.
And as for the rest of the details, I really never listened to grandma properly. I thought she was just saying some out-of-the-booksfairy tale and didn't really bother listening to the rest of the story!
I looked behind me, as from where I entered this brighter unknown place. There was no pitch black of nothingness, no endless creepy road or even that crappy old dangling board. Maybe I went through some kind of invisible portal and landed here? The more I think about it, the more exciting the whole concept of being dead becomes! At least for now! Well, it's not as bad as I thought earlier.
Before realising what's happening a cloud of mist started to form around me. For a moment I couldn't see a thing! Not even my Angel!
I started to walk around to find my Angel. Just when I was about to call him, the mysterious fog started to clear out. And what I saw in front of me was... a gigantic gate like thingi?
The majestic gate like structure was giving off rainbow colours like someone totally splashed a damn rainbow on it and sparkling bright and beautiful as if many stars were trapped in it.
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Ling Xi walked towards the gate like structure and said something in a quiet deep voice and for fact, I was just out of the hearing range. I have no idea what what chitchat he did with the gate! But just after he finished saying whatever he said, the gate like structure started moving. It's opening...? Wait... It's more like it's dispersing into nothingness. As the whole gate just disappeared into nothingness, I could see a barrier made of fog in front of me.
Ling Xi turned around and asked me to follow him in with that exact dazzling smile. Prettttyyy...
It was once again starting to get quite foggy and I really didn't want to become a blind man again! So I quickly went over to my Angel and hold his long sleeve so I actually don't get lost in all the fog! Mmm... My Angel smells gooood. He smells like candy!
Ling Xi kind of got startled and stared at me in surprise, I could feel him asking, why are you holding my sleeve?. I could see his ears turning red. Damn, he's so cute! I wonder if he's straight or not!
I don't know why I thought that at that moment. But I quickly jerked off all these for the moment, giving an awkward smile but a stern look I said, "well I don't want to get lost in here!" And it's not like I know this place. I kind of felt like I was puppy eyeing clinging onto his sleeve!
He didn't say anything but I could see a hint of smile on his face as he turned towards the barrier of fog and started walking towards it. I actually felt like a kid holding his mommy!