Chapter 1- Making a Change

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        I cracked a tiny smile as I watched Jake jog around the track field at school. I was sitting on the bleachers waiting for him to leave practice. Today was the day I made my first move. I was nervous as hell. I quickly brought my eyes to my phone and begin to text my best friend, Denise, who urged me to do this in the first place.

"Hey!" I heard a deep voice over the music blasting from my headphones. I glanced up to see my athletic and sweaty friend Armando raising his eyebrow at me in a What the hell are you doing at track practice kind of face. His blue eyes peeked under his glasses. I pulled an earbud out and pushed my long, honey-brown curls out of my face.

"What's up, dork?" I punched him in his muscular arm almost forgetting that he was running with Jake and- OH CRAP!

        I jumped up and pushed Ari to the side, running to the bottom of the bleachers where Jake was sitting, grabbing a jacket out of his bag. I slowed down as I got closer to him and I whispered words of encouragement to myself.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit! Don't freak out, girl!" I supressed my nervous-ness when I saw him glance my way. "Hey, Jake!" I said a bit too loud.

"Oh, hey, Sandy," He began putting his water bottle and man stuff I wasn't quite paying attention to into his duffel bag. "How's it going?"

"Um... heh... Everything is fine. Are you busy this weekend?" I stepped close to him being as bold as I could force myself to be. Well, not necessarilly close but I get uncomfortable pretty fast when I'm around someone I like. Being 18 was not making a difference nor boosting my confidence with men. Lets face it, I'm very lame.

"Actually... I don't mean to sound like an asshole but-" He paused for a moment as he threw his bag over his shoulder. My heart dropped. I knew what he was about to do, sadly. "I don't like you. You aren't my type and even if you were, I still wouldn't date you because I don't feel like dating for awhile." He shrugged and pat my shoulder like I was a bro of some sort and proceeded to jog away a chat with his friends as if he didn't just say that.

        Ari had apparently been listening from the top of the bleachers. He slowly stepped down and stood if front of me. He lifted my chin and wiped away tears that I didn't even know escaped from my eyes. His v-neck shirt was unbelieveably sweaty, but he hugged me tight anyway. I sobbed into his shoulder. I mean. its not like I was really expecting him to say yes but why did he have to be such a freaking ass about it. I had fragile feelings. I only had one boyfriend ever and that was in the third grade. All that meant in third grade was that he sat next to me at lunch and have me two extra Valentines on Feburary 14th. Ari lifted my and wiped away my tears once more.

"He was a dick anyway. You don't need him. You're beautiful, smart, funny and everything a man could want in a girl." He gave me a weak smile.

"Ari, what's wrong with me? Why hasn't anyone even looked at me this whole school year? I must not be 'everything' a man wants because SOMEONE would have noticed it by now." My dark brown eyes filled with tears once again. "This is what I get for stepping into uncharted territory."

"Sandra, don't give me that. You've only talked to two people outside of teachers the whole school year. You're not just an introvert, you're anti-social. Guys don't know all of these awesome qualities you have because you don't allow anyone to see it except me and Denise." He poked my stomach softly. " You know what? I'm throwing a party Saturday for you. You're going to interact with other people and I'm going to make sure you have a date for prom becuase I know that this is what this is all about."

        I chuckled. He knows me all too well. It scares me sometimes.

"I guess." I mumbled"

"And what the hell was that back there? You pushed me! I don't wanna have to tickle you until you puke, do I?" He winked at me and I started running and laughing. I guess I could try being different for a change. I needed to open up for once. I was tired of being a turtle. From that day forth, I decided to bring out a whole new me.

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