1. Found

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First chapter, sorry this is a bit short, I'm still trying to get into the groove of the story but here goes.

My whole world was spinning as I swam like I had never swum before. 

"Nami you must run!"  

Warped voices began to disrupt my thoughts but I ignored them, staying focused on my goal. The boat was only able to take me half the journey, leaving me to push my aching body past its limits. 

"No matter what, you must leave this place"

My forearms were sore and my legs began to weaken. I was able to grab onto a floating piece of stray wood for support before my body finally gave up, my last vision a solitary house on the horizon as more voices spun and my eyes shut.

"find someone! Anyone, let them help you..."


It wasn't until the sun had almost set that Damien had finished his laps around the seashore near his home. Panting slightly, he began to stretch and wipe away his sweat as he came to a pause by sea and felt the water against his tanned legs. It was always relaxing to take a break from the masses of paperwork by indulging in the earth's natural scenery.

"That's one thing I like about this world" He whispered to himself, running his hand through his wet curls as they made way in front of his face.

He was about to begin making his way home when he noticed a glint floating in the ocean. As he narrowed his eyes and peered closer he began to make out masses of cloth as well as what seemed to be jewelry. 

"A mermaid?" he questioned walking closer to the object "no...a human"

Upon unraveling the human from the cloth, Damien froze. It wasn't just any old human, it was a female and one like he had never seen before. Taking a few steps back, he began to analyze her figure. For starters, her skin was a dark caramel and her unruly curls seemed to defy gravity. His eyes continued to rake over her now bare body analyzing the curves of her small breasts and the fullness of her hips, he began to feel hot, unable to pinpoint this new emotion.

He stood confused, unable to make a decision. He felt the urge to help her but...she was a woman, and well... women were all, how do they say it in English... Gold Diggers. He thought about what his mother would do in this situation, the only woman he could trust, her familiar voice making its way into his head.

"Damien, when you grow  up, please...help whoever you can"

"Help whoever I can" he repeated softly to himself before turning back to the woman.

Her body was adorned with jewels, from the emerald attached to a ring through her navel to her ears that were equally as covered with diamonds as well as a sterling ring through one of her nipples. She looked as if she were fit to be a queen and it intrigued him as to how both her robes and her jewelry stayed intact through her supposed journey from the ocean.

Damien sighed to himself, this woman seemed to have enough riches of her own so wouldn't be likely to be after his money. Wrapping her gently in the cloth, he picked her up easily with the superhuman strength that comes from being an incubus and began his journey back to his holiday home in the sand.
That's it! I'll post the second chapter today if I can, please leave a comment if you can of what you thought, it really helps to encourage me x

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