13. Sorry

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"Pack your bags and leave"

I pressed my lips firmly together as I heard those words.

There was no fighting back, no disobeying, at times like this Damien was hardly forgiving. I could only blame myself, my thirst for Nami had clouded my judgment and I was reckless with my actions.

I wasn't worried about my family; although it was impossible to move away from the slums due to a contract I had signed, my work with Damien had enough pay to keep us eating well for a year at the very least.

"Thank you" I bowed before exiting the mansion, I could feel Damien giving me a cold hard glare but didn't turn back. This was my last chance and I blew it. Sighing heavily I made my way back home.

"sorry I couldn't last a little longer mum"


I felt myself being gently shaken awake.

"what are you doing in my room girl" I rubbed my eyes open to the familiar face of Lily, "gosh where are your clothes? and what happened to your face"

"Lily?" I mumbled recalling last nights adventures.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Lily's fingers wipe tears away from my face.

"Come let us clean you up and you can tell me all about what happened" She shooed me to the bathroom

I turned to get a good look at her and noticed that her lips were slightly swollen and there were some red marks around her neck, she had probably spent the night with one of her men but I would ask about those later.

She ran me a bath and I lay there peacefully until I felt a distortion of water.

"Sorry" she cooed, "you just looked so cute in there that I had to join you"

"I used to bathe with my friends in the river" I explained to her smiling, "so this is nice, reminds me of home"

"Here, let me wash your back" She motioned for me to turn around and begin scrubbing my back, "what happened?"

I explained the situation at hand and soon her hands stopped mid-washing.

"Damien did that to you?" she asked with her eyes wide

When I nodded, she stood up suddenly in the bath eyes filled with rage.

"I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" She yelled wrapping a towel around herself and storming out of the room before I could stop her.

"Lily wait!" I shouted after her but it was too late

"ill leave Damien to her, but I feel like I should apologize to Theo"

I quickly dressed and rummaged around the mansion looking for Theo, I had asked all the assistants but none of them seemed to know where he was. I had almost given up until I saw Nicholas watering the plants outside, he still scared me but this was for the sake of Theo.

"Excuse me, Nicholas?" I asked hesitantly watching him turn around with a scowl on his face

"I don't mean to disturb you but I wanted to ask if you've seen Theo today?" I looked down and fidgeted with my thumbs.

"He is gone" He replied bluntly turning back to the flowers

"w-what do you mean gone?" I was suddenly worried

Nicholas let out a frustrated sigh, "He got fired for touching you, he's not coming back"

I stared at Nicholas in shock, how could this be? I mustered a quick thanks before fleeing to my room.

Theo got fired because of me, Nicholas hates me, and Damien thinks I slept around and betrayed him, could this get any worse?

I slammed open my bedroom door and locked it behind me, I didn't want anyone to disrupt my thought process.


I turned around stunned, Damien was sat on my bed looking straight at me, one side of his cheek was slightly red (probably Lily's doing).

Remembering last nights events I quickly scurried towards the door, scared of what the man would do to me.

I fiddled with the door lock, trying my best to get away but I felt my arm being clutched by Damien.

I yanked my arm away at his touch and curled up into a ball by the floor with my hands over my ears.

Sometimes you have to apologize even if you're not wrong.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I muttered repeatedly eyes watering, I was scared, so terribly scared.

Damien's eyes softened and I heard him sigh heavily.

"Look Nami, I'm so-... ahem sorr-" He paused and seemed to be looking for words, "I'm sorry. I heard the truth from Lily and I should have listened to you, I let my emotions get ahead of me."

I peeked at him and he was looking away with his hand anxiously through his hair, he kept on clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"what can I do to make this better?" Damien thought, "something to calm her, and make her trust me again..."

It was sudden.

Damien was within close proximity and was stiffly embracing my trembling body. I couldn't stay mad at him when he was trying so hard to fix things.

"Damien!" I sobbed hitting his chest with my fists, "why didn't you listen to me! do you know how much distress you caused me!?"

I felt his hands stiffen more on my back, "Nami, I'm sorry"

I pushed him away slightly and glared at him with tears in my eyes.

"please don't do this again Damien, I am so grateful for everything you've done and I would never betray you!" I cried out my voice full of emotion.

"I'm sorry Nami, I know that now" he avoided my gaze, "is there any way I can make it up to you?"

"Can you answer one question for me?" I cautiously asked.

He nodded.

"Where is Theo."

Damien froze at my words and his expression hardened, I could see a slight hint of disgust on his face.

"I can't answer that" He replied firmly 

I frowned, "why?"

"Nami.." I could tell he was trying to control his anger, "Theo is too dangerous for you, and you are simply too gullible, don't you understand? I won't allow you to be hurt."

"Damien..." I looked up at him and he seemed... concerned. I knew I was not yet well versed in the ways of the modern worlds meaning that I could easily be tricked but I couldn't help but feel that Theo being fired was my fault.

"Don't worry though" Damien added, "I've paid him more than enough, he and his family will have enough to eat for years to come, as long as he manages it well"

I opened my mouth to speak but a knock was heard on my door.


"Sir, Mr. Hunter is here to see you"

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