11. The Playroom

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I listened to her sobs.

They were so beautiful, the way her face scrunched up when she cried was alluring and she was holding onto me like her life depended on it.

I smiled to myself as I held her close, rubbing her back and running my hands through her hair to calm her.

"Shhh, Nami" I tried to silence her, "Im here, it will be okay"

Her cries soon quietened and she looked up to me and whispered, "I can't get his touch away, I can still feel his arms on my skin"

My eyelids dilated as I heard those words from her mouth, now was the time to get a taste of the high-quality essence that I had been yearning for. With Damien and Lily out of the house, there was no chance of getting caught, besided if Nichoas was going to intefere he would have done so sooner.

"Nami..." I whispered into her neck and softened my eyes so that she would be more open with me, "If you'd like, I can help get rid of his touch"

I gave her a small lick to excite her a little, a Demons saliva was hard to resist and I could tell it was working when her ears began to get hot.

"H-how?" she asked innocently her breath increasing slightly

"By replacing his touch with mine" I purred, staring deep into her eyes, "come"

With that, I led her to the playroom, I might as well have some fun before Damien decided to close it for good. 

Her eyes widened as she walked into the chamber, I doubt she had ever seen something like this before and she audibly gasped.

She scanned the room which was filled with rows and rows of sexual equipment, she picked up a silk blindfold and ran her fingers across it.

"Isn't this what they use in France when they about to sleep?" she asked 

"Not quite, the blindfold heightens your other senses," I held her hands, "would you like to try it out?"

She nodded slowly and I took this as a cue to gently wrap it over her eyes. I dragged my fingers down her skin and heard her breath hitch, her essence was gradually flowing through my fingers and I began to feel a surge of ecstasy. My pupils dilated, to think that a single touch could do this.

I could hardly contain myself, at least she couldn't tell that my face was filled with lust through the blindfolds, as long as I kept my voice relatively normal she wouldn't be able to tell how desperate I was.

"Nami..." I tried to keep my breath even, "can I undress you"

"I  trust you Theo" She whimpered 

I frowned, did I feel guilty? That was impossible, people did much worse to me when I used to live in the slums. It was her fault for being too trusting.

Anger overcame me as I recalled my past and I ripped the dress off her.

"Theo?" she questioned and shivered a little, It seemed she had sensed my malicious intent and I quickly tried to restrain myself.

"Sorry" I forced out through my gritted teeth, I could smell her fear now that her skin was exposed and it was almost as enticing as her arousal. 

I began to massage her body as gently as I could muster in this state, the more contact I had with her body, the more essence that traveled through me, it was so strong that I began to feel light headed and was slowly losing my rationality.

"Theo" I heared her cry out panting, It turned out that because of her peircing, her nipples were more sensitive than that of a typical woman and I took that to my advantage, rolling them between my fingers.

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