21. New Woman

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"Nic!" My yelling woke me up from my sleep and I looked around disorientated.

There was a slight thudding in my head and when I attempted to move I noticed that I had been restrained with my arms behind my back.

"Piece of cake" I whispered, preparing myself to break free.

"Don't bother" came a deep voice that was too familiar, "they were made with us in mind"

I struggled nevertheless and all the memories of a few hours ago came rushing back.

"Nic!" I shouted out his name, "why!?"

Tears began to stream out of my eyes, "It doesn't have to be like this! Just release me, and we can go and help Nami and we can pretend that none of this happened!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Nic spoke, glaring intensely into a glass ball, "she's toxic for him, just look at how soft he has become around her, it would be better if she was dead"

"don't you care about how Damien feels!?" I muttered, "you have been with him longer than anyone else"

Nic flinched.

"Don't you care about how feel!?" I screamed out

Nic ignored my second statement

"I'm just doing what's best for him" He walked up to me and chanted something under his breath before pressing his fingers into my forehead, "for now, I'm going to send you somewhere you can't interfere"

"No no no no no" I screamed as I saw the room begin to spin, "you know I hate that place, please Nic!"

There wasn't a single hint of concern in his eyes, they were blackened through completely and I held my breath preparing for the pain I was to feel.

"Done" whispered Nic, "what a bother she was"

And with that, he began to make his way back to the Mansion to stay at Damien's side.


"what am I going to do?" thought Damien to himself, "If Theo revoked the contract to Nathan, the only way I can be guaranteed of his whereabouts is to participate in the underground slave ring."

"Fuck!" He yelled out, "If only Nic was here to help me organise my thoughts"

"You called sir?" Nic had appeared at Damien's side in a matter of seconds but Damien was more than unhappy.

"Where. Have. You. Been." Damien hissed, his aura slowly turning more toxic, "And. where. is. Nami."

Nic hid the gulp that was about to make its way down his throat, still annoyed that Nami was in his master's mind. It was going to be tough to lie in such a strong aura.

"Sir Nami, suggested I take her to Theo's home" Nic began feigning a worried expression, "I warned her against it and tried to stop her but she stormed out of the building, I have spent all the time until now searching for her without any luck."

"Fine" Damien's anger had quickly dissipated and although it was unusual for Nic to be unsuccessful in any task he was given, the top priorities were to ensure Nami's safety, kill Nathan and find the one who put this seal on her in the first place.

"I need women" Damien sighed, as he could only enter the tournament with a supposed pet.

"W-women?" That was the first time Nicholas had stuttered, "What for sir?"

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