7. Travel

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It was strange.

I was moving but my body was not, it was smooth and constant motion. Just where was I?

I opened my eyes to find myself wrapped up in many layers of blankets in some kind of modern vehicle with Damien at the wheel. 

"Damien?" I called out his name slightly confused 

"You're awake," he kept his eyes on the road "we are going to London, that's where I am primarily based and the company needs me"

I faintly registered his voice whilst looking outside the windows in amazement, back at home the fastest mode of transport was a horse pulled cart so this was all new to me.

"what do you call this... way of movement?" I asked Damien

"Commonly known as a car, but this specific vehicle is an SUV" he replied, never averting his eyes.

I yawned as I looked outside, for some reason I felt so tired and unsatisfied, my feelings from last night kept on irritating me as I couldn't put my finger on the best method to deal with the issue. I decided that it would be better to ask Damien as he is more knowledgeable.

"Damien," I looked over towards him, "can you explain what happened to me last night?"

His grip on the wheel tightened and he abruptly came to a halt, "Nami we're here"

Avoiding my question entirely he called someone over to assist us with our bags and led me into what was called the airport.

 I was still in my long robes so struggled to keep up with Damien's fast pace and ended up tripping. I felt a light thud and was pressed into someone's chest, they smelt good, like the waves back at home so I let out a sigh of content.

"comfortable there?" A voice laughed

I looked up to see a neatly dressed man in a black suit and hair combed back, his eyelashes were thick and through them were a pair of blue eyes one of which had a slight scar across where the skin was matted.

"Ah I'm sorry" I push him away lightly realizing that I had been staring too long

He was about to say a few more words before a familiar voice boomed behind us.

"Theo" commanded Damien "Make sure our luggage is on the priority list, I don't care how much it costs"

"Yes sir" Theo replied, giving me a few looks "I didn't realize he was seeing someone... I thought he hated women?"

"unreal..." I couldn't help but whisper, earning a grunt of annoyance from Damien as he pulled me over to the desk.

While he was speaking to the lady at the desk, I took a look around the airport. There were so many different people and I began to get excited, what made me uncomfortable though was the way that peoples eyes tended to linger on me, making me clutch unto Damien.

"I'm almost done Nami" he said looking over to me then noticing my distress "what's the matter?"

"people are staring" I whisper into his ear "It makes me slightly uncomfortable"

Damien let out a sigh and twisted a finger through his curls. His eyes looked me up and down, making me think that perhaps it was my attire that was the cause of this.

I had all my jewelry in and my robes were loosely wrapped around my chest and over my shoulders. They draped over my stomach exposing my belly piercing then wrapped tightly around my hips and draped to the floor.

we looked at each other aware of the issues and Damien just began to walk forwards, "we can get you some more clothes in London"

I smiled appreciatively and began to follow him

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