16. Tricked

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"Inform Nami that she doesn't need to come to my office for work for a while I need to keep some space before I become attached"  Damien gave Nic the instructions and frowned slightly on noticing the small upward curve of Nic's lips, he always seemed to be glad when Nami and Damien were apart but for now that would work. 

"And hand her these papers to complete this week That should be more than enough to keep her busy, Don't forget to keep her as guarded as possible"

"Yes sir" Nic left the demon's office smiling to himself, things were all going to plan.

The butler made his way to his room and slipped a letter from his desk into the top of the pile of that was to be handed to Nami. He had forged a letter from Theo, begging Nami to come and visit with his address included and all.

At first, Nic was reluctant to the idea of Theo marking her but the moment he had been asked to clean the bloodied bedsheets in his master's room he was aware of how quickly their relationship might be moving. Although Nic had secretly relished in the scent of Damien's blood in his private quarters he had decided that anything between his master and Nami needed to stop.

"I need Theo to mark her to end this"  He thought to himself.

Nami was so gullible that this plan would work, it was exceedingly helpful that Damien wanted some space so would not be as vigilant on the whereabouts of Nami as usual. He would take her to Theo's at once and as soon as she knew the way... one thing would lead to another and he would have the young master all to himself.

He had been with Damien for longer than anyone else, he was the one that had celebrated their 18th century anniversary just last month even though it consisted of him adding a few more photos to the large stockpile he had collected over the years.

"Master..." Nic whispered to himself before hardening his face and making his way to Nami's room, as much as he didn't like the girl, Damien's orders were a priority.

Nic walked over to Nami's room with the pile of papers and waited patiently outside for her to come for work.

"I can endure anything if it's for him," He thought to himself awaiting for Nami to get ready.

Meanwhile, Nami had just risen from bed.

"I'm in my room?" she looked around a little confused as even her clothes had been changed and her body had been cleaned, a warm feeling welled up inside of her as she thought of the night before, "Damien..."

Getting out of bed she undressed, brushed her teeth and proceeded to take a shower.

The warm water ran down her body as she washed herself humming a traditional tune.

"Damien made me feel so good yesterday" She began to think to herself remembering the places where she had been touched, "I should thank him"

After the petite girl had gotten ready she opened her door ready to head into Damien's office but stumbled, almost falling as Nic swiftly avoided her bumping into him.

"Nicholas?" she looked at him questionably whilst he gave off a glare

"Ah I apologise for not greeting you properly" she bobbed a little curtsey, "Good morning"

Nic then nodded in satisfaction and Nami smiled, "I was just wondering what you were doing outside of my room?" her eyes trailed down to the wad of paper he was holding, "are those for me?"

"yes" Nic bluntly answered shoving the pile into her arms, "The master doesn't want to see you until those files are done!"

Nami's eyes widened at the challenge in front of her, and she felt a pang of hurt at the thought that Damien didn't want to see her, It would take at least a week to finish them and she wanted to see Damien now.

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