14. Finish what you started

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I breathed heavily as Nic lead me into the room where Nathan was awaiting my arrival.

"Mr. Hunter" I tried to be as calm as possible, "what a surprise to see you here after I cut ties with your filthy company"

"You insolent little-!" He spat out angrily but Nicholas placed his hand on Nathan's shoulder, warning him from coming any closer, "Why!? I did nothing wrong I bought shares I-"

"you touched Nami" I narrowed my eyes in stared at him in disgust, "I don't take a liking to those who touch my property without my permission"

"But she's just a toy!" He shouted furiously, "what do you care?"

"Nic." I gritted my teeth, "Kindly escort this man out, I have no time for such irrelevant things."

 I began to walk away hearing Nathan release an earful of curses.

"This isn't the last you will see of me!" He yelled, "I will make you and your little toy pay!"

I sighed, what a bother.

It wasn't unexpected to have a few enemies in this business but for Nami's sake I better take extra precautions, perhaps Nic should guard her when I am not available? Yes, that would be convenient.

"Nic" I called for him 

"Yes sir" He was always so quick to support me, a little too quick at times

"I'd like you to guard Nami a little more tightly starting tomorrow, I don't trust her to look after herself, afterall she is merely human."

Nic let out a sound that was strangely like a scoff and I gave him a warning glance.

"Of course Sir" He replied before leaving the room in a hurry

I turned back to the remainder of my files and began to arrange them.

Thanks to Nami's input, my work had become easier to manage and I had finished early today. Loosening my tie as I stepped into my room I glanced over to the bookshelf.

It wouldn't hurt to read up a little more on humans, after all, I was determined to some extent to help her.


lily was ecstatic once she found out that I had made up with Damien and hugged me tightly squealing in joy.

"Time to move on to the next stage" She smirked pulling out a chest from underneath her bed, "Damien finishes work early today, so Id like you to do a little something for him"

"What's in there?" I asked curiously, peering over to see strips of lace, mesh and latex cloth, as well as some small objects in a variety of colors and shapes.

"Hmm, I wonder what will look best on you?" she hummed happily to herself rummaging through the box. She held up a few pieces of cloth to my body before making a decision and selecting a thin piece of lace fabric.

"Put this on!" she smiled

After she helped me into the dress, or whatever was left of it, I stared at my reflection in the mirror mouth ajar.

"Lily, even for me this is a bit..." I bit my lip nervously, "revealing"

The dress was made from white lace, although it was flowy and reached the middle of my thighs, the transparency of the fabric and the thin straps that held it up made me feel a little more exposed than usual. She had even given me socks to match the outfit, they reached a little above my knee.

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