Eliwood (1)

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Ten years old

"(YN)!" a young Eliwood called. "(YN)! Where are you?"

Lord Elbert, who had been passing by when he heard his son, crouched down to the ten-year-old's height.

"Have you lost the princess?" his dad teased, knowing that Eliwood could never lose one of his best friends.

"Nuh-uh," Eliwood said. "We're playing Hide and Seek, but I can't find her."

Elbert remembered seeing the little heiress of Ostia scrambling towards the ktichen. "Have you checked the dining area? Our meeting is done, so you may use the room."

Eliwood's eyes lit up. "Good idea, father! I'll go look for her!"

Elbert watched with soft eyes and a softer heart as his little one scurried off in search of his friend.

The little prince busied himself crawling under the large table in the dining hall, until he frightened a servant, who kindly asked that he leave the dining hall.

Instead, he searched the kitchen, where he easily found (YN) hidden in a cabinet.

"I found you!" he announced, grinning. "I win!"

"Thirteen rounds out of twenty-five," his friend sighed. "I still can't believe you beat me."

Eliwood merely giggled. "Maybe I play the game better!"

(YN) pretended to be sad, making a pouty face, which had Eliwood laughing.

"(YN)," called her older brother, Uther. Her twin brother, Hector, stood next to him. "It's time to leave. Tell Eliwood goodbye."

The two of them frowned, sharing their goodbyes, and Hector, who had been made to attend the meeting and had fallen asleep on many occasions, sent his farewells to his best friend.

Fifteen years old

"Eliwood," shouted (YN). "Eliwood! Hector is looking for you."

She was startled when someone put their hands on her shoulders from behind, and she whirled around to see her best friend, laughing.

"Eliwood, I almost had a heart attack," she sighed. "Please don't scare me anymore."

The red-haired boy was still laughing a bit, but he nodded. "Okay, I'll stop."

(YN) nodded, then grabbed Eliwood's arm. "Hector is looking for you! He said he wants to duel again."

Eliwood let this friend drag him to the courtyard, where, sure enough, Hector was waiting.

"Hector," the Pharaen heir yelled. "We're here!"

The two released arms, racing over to the blue-haired male.

"I was beginning to think you'd never show," Hector joked, giving Eliwood a firm handshake and such. "(YN) got too bored of waiting and decided to run and look for you."

"Hector can be a very bland person," she joked, and the three laughed.

"Okay," Hector said, "are you prepared?"

Eliwood held up the spare sword from the knights that he's grabbed. "I'm ready. Are you?"

Hector brandished an iron axe, smiling. "I'm pretty ready."

Just like every other time, (YN) stood between the two boys, putting her hand in the air.

"Three," she started counting, "two, one...fight!" She hopped out of weapon range, and the two boys started to duel.

Eighteen years old

"Eliwood, there's nothing you can do about this," (YN) reasoned. "I may not know this man, but I must do as Uther tells me."

"This man doesn't know you, either," Eliwood ranted. "He doesn't love you, and he may never feel that way!"

(YN) put her arms around Eliwood from behind, hugging him. "Please, don't be so angry. If I do this, it will ensure a peaceful treaty between my home and Tuscana. If I do not, the kingdom will surely become angry with me."

The prince turned to look at the heiress, who was crying.

"(YN)," he started, falling to his knees in  front of her. "(YN), I love you. Please, don't do this."

The princess fells into Eliwood's open arms, crying. "Oh, I love you, too. I have loved you for so long, but I have to."

The two stayed there, holding one another and feeling the warmth. Eliwood rubbed (YN)'s back, hoping it would help her calm down.

"What if we spoke to the marquess of Tuscana?" Eliwood offered. "Maybe they would understand that you can't go through with the wedding. Perhaps-"

"There is no need."

A third voice startled them, and they left each other's hold, looking at the owner of that voice.

"Uther, I can explain this," (YN) began. "I-"

"You don't need to explain, I heard everything," he said. A sigh escaped him. "If that is truly how you feel, then...I'm sure Marquess Tuscana and I could find common ground."

The other two stood, dumbstruck.

"Are you trying to say you will call the wedding off?" the younger Ostian asked.

"If you love this man, then who am I to keep you away from him?"

(YN) threw her arms around Uther, who stumbled only a moment from the sheer force.

Uther looked over his sister's shoulder to the red-haired boy, whose face held the same fire as his hair.

"Treat my sister right," Uther told him. "She is worth more than the world, to me. You have my blessing."

Eliwood nodded, and Uther released his sister. He left the room, leaving the two lovers alone.

"The wedding is off," Eliwood said quietly. "The wedding is off, and I have your brother's blessing. We-"

He was tackled by (YN) who hugged him close with a big smile. "We can be together," she spoke. "We can stay together, now."

Eliwood grinned, wrapping his arms around the princess - his princess.

"I love you, so much," (YN) whispered, burying her face in Eliwood's chest.

"I love you more."

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