Forde (1)

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Dear God, I started playing Sacred Stones again and, somehow, I fell in love with Forde???? Idek how it happened exactly, but I love him, now, so here I am

"It's not as bad as it looks," the knight told me, giving me a warm smile. "Really, I can take care of it. You should go help the others."

"Everyone else is being helped by another cleric or priest," I told Forde, leading him into my tent. "Besides, this injury isn't something that can be easily taken care of."

With a sigh, he finally allowed me to have him sit in the center of my tent. I sat in front of him, taking his arm and carefully examining it.

From what I could tell, he had been targetted by an archer and tried to deflect the arrow with the armor on his arm, but, through slim chances, it managed to land between the joints of his armor. He had tried to pull the arrow head out, but ended up snapping the wood instead. That would make things a little more difficult.

"At least it wasn't my lance arm," he joked lightheartedly. I shook my head, releasing a shaky breath.

"Alright, I think I can get it out," I told him. He blinked in astonishment.

"But there's no way!" he countered. "I mean no offense by this, but the arrow head is probably stuck in there. The shaft of the arrow is gone, so there's no way to get it out."

I chewed my lip, thinking over my options. "There is a way." I looked at his arm. "Just...just don't tell the others what you're about to see. Promise?"

Forde sent me a confused look. "Uh, yes, I promise." He nodded in affirmation, and I brought his arm closer to me.

"Take off your armor."

He raised an eyebrow at me, and my face went up in flames.

"To get the arrowhead out. You need to remove your armor."

With a teasing, knowing smile, he stood up to remove his armor. I glanced to the side, face aflame. He chuckled at my behavior, and he sat in front of me when his armor was removed.

When I looked back to him, I was both glad and somewhat disappointed to see that he had clothes under his armor. Still, I managed to get ahold of myself, taking his arm and looking at the wound.

"Don't forget your promise," I told him, putting my hand over the wound gently. Even so, he noticeably winced, but tried to cover it up by nodding and smiling at me.

I let the magic run through my body, coursing through every vein. The feeling spread from my heart, sending a warmth to the rest of me. With that, I focused everything onto my hand, still covering the wound. When I pulled my hand away, the arrowhead, along with a few pieces of wood splinters, came out of his arm. They fell into my open palm, and I released his arm.

"I've never seen anything like that," Forde said, staring at my hand amazedly. "That's...incredible!"

"Just don't tell anyone," I repeated. He gave me a confused look once more.

"Why not? I mean, this is an amazing gift!" I wrapped my fingers around his wrist gently.

"I promise, I will tell them if I need to, but...I don't want everyone to think I'm weird or anything. I mean, it's not really a normal thing."

Forde smiled kindly, removing my hand from his wrist, only to lace his fingers with my own. "It's not normal, you're right. It's something that makes you special." His fingers squeezed mine. "Still, if you want me to keep it secret, I will."

Biting my lip gently, I nodded. "Thank you," I mumbled softly. "I...thank you."

When my eyes went to find his own, I found he had moved much closer to me while I wasn't looking. His face held hardly any distance from my own, and my breath caught in my throat at the little smile he wore. His right hand moved up to my cheek, his left staying locked with my own hand. Fingers gently grazed over my skin, and I found myself leaning into the touch, even if it was just a little bit.

Our eyes locked, and I could feel a question burning behind his. There was an uncertainty within him, and I only hoped he was asking for what I wanted. Still, I nodded slowly and offered a small, reassuring smile.

With my affirmation, he got rid of the distance between us, lips gently locking with mine. The hand on my cheek pulled me closer to him, while his other hand stayed with my own. My free hand found its way to his chest, fingers softly closing around the fabric of his shirt.

It wasn't long before he moved away, but I silently wished he hadn't. I wanted that moment to continue, to feel it longer, to be holding him longer.

Soft, green eyes met mine, and he moved back a little more.

"Thank you," he chuckled, eyes flicking over every bit of my face. "For everything."

"Are you leaving, now?" I pondered quietly, heart sinking at the thought.

"I wouldn't want to impose." He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek, before getting to his feet and gathering his armor. "Again, thank you."

"You're welcome," I smiled faintly, watching as he spared me a final glance. In a moment, he had left my tent, making it feel emptier than it ever had.

A mind all their own, my fingers slowly grazed over my lips, where a tingling feeling was left over. I couldn't help the grin that spread over my cheeks as I recalled the past few minutes of my life. My whole face was red, and I knew it, but it didn't matter. I sat there for quite some time, before I finally decided to head to my cot, where I laid myself down for the night. Even then, thoughts of Forde ran wild through my mind as I tried to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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