Innes (2)

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"Another day," I sighed, sitting down in front of the campfire Seth had provided for us. Tana and Eirika, my two best friends, sat on either side of me, giggling like crazy people.

"We saw you with my brother earlier," Tana whispered, quietly enough so only Eirika and myself could hear.

"You should have seen how you blushed!" Eirika teased.

I rolled my eyes, cheeks flaming. "You're both mad if you think you saw that," I huffed. "It didn't happen."

Eirika out a hand on my shoulder. "Honestly, you can't hide it," she told me. "It's so painfully obvious that you have feelings for him."

"The only one here who hasn't noticed is him, because he's a fool," Tana joked, and I managed a little smile.

"And you haven't noticed that he feels the same," Eirika added.

I blinked once. Twice. "Do you mean that?" I asked, and both of them nodded.

"Of course!" Tana said. "He's practically lovestruck! Even in the middle of battle, all he ever does is ask if you're okay, and make sure someone is always protecting you."

"Well, I'm a tactician," I said. "I don't fight, so it makes sense for someone to worry."

"Yet, somehow, Innes seems to worry for you even greater than need be," Eirika said. "We all know that, if the need arises, you can at least defend yourself. Despite that, he always asks of your safety."

I chewed my lip, glancing at the prince a few steps away from me. "Do you really think he does?" I asked once more.

"He does," Tana replied.

"Then, please, help me get closer to him at any moment we can."


A few days later, we were continuing our journey, but we decided to stop at an inn. While Seth, Ephraim, Innes, and a few others were asking about directions and such, Tana, Eirika, Natasha, L'Arachel, a few others and myself were sitting at a table, watching the performers.

When the others came over, everyone made short work of making sure Innes' only available seat was next to me. As he sat, his hand brushed mine, and a gentle smile crossed his lips, directed at me.

I went red, focusing on my meal. The food here was much better than eating whatever fruit we could find near the roads we traveled.

Suddenly, I was pulled back to reality by L'Arachel shaking my shoulder.

"They're asking for a few volunteers," she said. "For a dance!"

I chewed my lip, looking at the expectant faces of my friends. "Will you go up with me? I'm nervous."

L'Arachel nodded, walking with me to the small are where the musicians were. When one of them reached for my hand, I grew even more nervous. Still, I allowed the stranger to take my hand.

He lead me through a few simple steps while a few of his friends played music. Before I knew it, our feet were moving perfectly in tempo, and I was twirled around like it was nothing.

By the end of the song, my feet were a little sore, but I was smiling widely. L'Arachel and I made our way back to the table, where a lot of them clapped or praised our dancing.

"That was very good," Tethys said. "Especially for a first-timer dancer."

Hearing that from her made me smile bigger, embarrassed by the compliment.

"You looked amazing!" Tana gushed across the table from me. "It was almost like you were made for dancing."

"I don't know about that," I said. "It was just really fun. Maybe you should go, next time."

That shifted attention from myself to Tana, as everyone told her she'd look great dancing, and she nervously shook her head.

Beside me, Innes cleared his throat, catching my attention.

"You..." He trailed off, like he was struggling to find the words. "You danced very nicely. It seemed like..." I could tell he was still talking, but, suddenly, there were more people in the tavern. It was too noisy for me to hear.

I frowned a little. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you," I said. "Say that again?"

He stood, making sure not to attract the attention of the others. As he did so, he offered me his hand, which I took. Quickly, he lead me outside of the tavern, where it was night. We could still hear the people inside, but it was muffled, now.

"I was saying that you looked great up there," he told me, not meeting my eyes. "Maybe dancing is something you could pursue."

A fire spread over my face, and I sighed. "Innes, I need to tell you something, and I need you to hear me out until the very end," I said, much louder than I meant to.

He looked a bit startled by my loud tone, but he nodded. His hands still held my own.

My heart pounded faster than it ever had, and I took a deep breath.

"I think I'm in love with you," I told him. "I understand that you're the prince, and I'm jsut some girl you happened across, but I really do love you. You're so much more than a handsome face - you care for your friends and family, and you would do anything to keep them safe. Whenever I felt upset, or got scared of the future, you would always calm me down and say it was okay, and that was everything I needed. You're everything I need."

It was silence after that, and I looked down at my feet.

Before I could say another word, Innes pulled me close. His arms held me tightly around my waist, and I instinctively returned his hug.

"I love you, too," he said, very quietly. "I always thought that I'd say it, first, but you were far braver than me."

To keep myself from crying, I laughed a little. "That wasn't bravery. My legs were shaking a lot. I was so nervous."

He pulled back, looking me in the eyes. "Don't be nervous around me, anymore," he told me. "You can tell me anything."

I smiled, putting my hands on his shoulders. "What if I told you I really wanted you to kiss me?"

He smirked at me. "I'd be beyond happy to oblige."

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