Hector (2) pt 2

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I sat in a chair adjacent to Uther, Marquess Ostia. He was sitting on his throne, doing nothing but waiting.

My fingers tapped against the wooden arms of the chair quite nervously. Uther had a very intimidating aura about him, and we were the only to in the throne room.

"Marquess?" I started tentatively, seeing the strong man tilt his head towards me. I swallowed a lump. "How do you pass the time in here?"

He seemed put off by the question, probably not expecting it. "I just think," he said. "I let my mind do as it pleases."

"Ah, I see." I kicked my legs in the chair, which was a bit tall. My feet hardly touched the ground.

This day marked four months I had been stuck in the castle with Uther. So far, everything was okay at home.

Until the day that marked four months.

"Lord Uther!" someone yelled, treading into the throne room. He brought himself to kneel in Uther's presence, breathing heavily. "Sir, we are recieving fire from an unknown enemy!"

I stood out of my chair, but Uther grabbed my arm before I could do anything. He looked down to the man. "Find any falcoknight and have them take her to Hector. Immediately."

Uther turned to me, and I had tears in my eyes. "What about you?" I asked. "Wikl you be okay?"

He grinned. "Have you met the Ostia royal bloodline?"

His words did much to put me at ease, and the falcoknight appeard before us soon.

"You know your job?" Uther asked, and the knight nodded. "Then do it right. If as much as a scratch befalls her, Hector will be furious."

The knight was completely unphased by this, a true show of professionalism. Uther sent me away just as backup soldiers were arriving to surround Uther and protect him.

The falcoknight rushed me outside, where we managed to slip away quickly. It seemed none of our enemies were able to see us go.


Hector sat among his friends, watching a fire roar in front of him. How much he would have loved to be with his beloved. Little did he know how soon their reunion would be.

When he woke up the next morning, he did not expect Eliwood to be enthusing about a falcoknight that was seen above. Hector looked, and, lo and behold, there was a falcoknight with a passenger, descending toward him.

The falcoknight touched down, and I immediately hopped of of the pegasus. Eliwood came over to me, then realized who I was.

"What are you doing here?" he quietly seethed as I saw Hector approaching, eyes wide and fearful.

When Hector got close, Eliwood took the falcoknight to give us space.

"What happened?" Hector asked immediately, hands grabbing my face. "Did you get hurt? Did anything bad happen?"

"Hector, calm down," I said, starting to tear up. "I haven't seen you in so long. Your first response to seeing me should be more loving."

He seemed startled by my response, but he smiles a little bit. "You're right."

Suddenly, I was pulled into a tight hug, and my feet lifted off of the ground. "Hector!" I laughed, feet dangling. "Ah, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too," he replied, setting me down. He pulled me into a swift kiss, then dropped his hands to my shoulders.

It was then that I knew we had to talk business. Personal time could come later.

I grabbed his hands, worry filling my heart. "Marquess Ostia was attacked," I said blatantly. "The castle was besieged as I left. Uther sent me away as soon as we got word. He dared not risk letting the enemy lay a finger on me."

Unintentionally, I moved closer, leaning my head on Hector's chest. "I don't know what to think," I admitted. "I wish I could say I believe Uther will be safe, but...the enemy had us outnumbered by far. There was nothing that I could do. He just told me to leave, and I did it. I don't know if he'll make it out. It's just-"

Hector's arms surrounding me brought ne back to reality. I let myself cry a little bit against him, but I managed to pull myself together quickly.

"I'm sorry. I was rambling."

He shook his head. "You were afraid. We all feel afraid, at times." He glanced over to the others. "I'm assuming the falcoknight has told them everything. You will not have to explain yourself to them. Come along."

I nodded, letting Hector take my hand and walk with me over to the camping grounds. I sat between him and Lyn, who placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We're glad you're here, despite the circumstances," she tried, smiling.

Eliwood looked up toward the sky for a moment, then to me. "We will stay here, today. There need be no haste to continue to our next destination. We can stay here for the day."

The others all relished in the chance of a day off, and I made eye contact with Hector. Surely, he was going to use this time to make up for leaving me behind.

"I'm still a bit mad you left me," I reminded him, standing up and crossing my arms. "I was so scared for you."

He grabbed my hands, kissing my cheek and making me break the walls I tried so hard to put up. "I'm sorry. I thought it would be best for you to stay there."

His fingers locked with mine, and we started to walk toward a nearby spot where the others wouldn't hear or see us. "If it's any consolation, I wondered about you every day."

Somehow, he saw the look of despair in my eyes, bringing me closer to him.

"What's the matter?" he wondered quietly.

My lip trembled. "I cried thinking abiut you every night. I couldn't stand the thought of you getting killed somewhere. I wouldn't even know about it for weeks, if you had died here."

He squeezed my hands, my eyes automatically trailing up to meet his. His eyes softened when the locked with mine, and he almost seemed to hold back tears just like I was. Slowly, he brought me close, before he kissed me deeply, hands letting go of my own and holding my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck.

There was a lot said with those simple motions. We had both missed one another, so much. After months of being seperated, we could finally be close and interact, albeit if it was under some indecent circumstances. Still, a chance to be with him after so long was just that, and I took what I could get.

Hector released me to breathe, smiling down at me as I caught my breath. "I love you so," he sighed as I felt my cheeks flare, a cheeky grin crossing my lips.

"I love you more," I argued, nearly melting at the hearty chuckle that escaped him after. His forehead touched mine, and I just knew - somehow, somewhere in my heart, I knew - that, if I stayed with him, everything would be just fine.

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