Hector (1)

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Lyn and Eliwood's wedding was truly a sight to behold. Many people, both royal and common, came to see the magnificent day. Even people across Elibe had visited Lycia, all for the sake of two of their heroes.

Hector, of course, was Eliwood's best man. Lyn's maid of honor, to no one's surprise, was Florina.

During the party, Eliwood and Lyn aere greeting by overwhelming numbers of guests. Hector was distracted, too, but he would never admit it.

He had seen this girl - one with the most beautiful (HC) hair and (EC) eyes - but he couldn't find her anymore. She had become lost in the crowd, and Hector was feeling a little down. With a sigh, he came to the side of his closest friend.

"Eliwood," the strong, blue-haired man said. "Ah, if you told me when we were children that you'd marry before me, I would never have believed you!"

Lyn bit her cheeks to keep in a laugh. "Don't think I didn't notice you staring at a lady-friend." Eliwood smirked. "You can't hide that."

Hector rolled his eyes. "As future Marquess of Ostia, I cannot be distracted by anyone or anything, especially something as trivial as a "lady-friend"."

"Are you sure?" Lyn asked. "I see her right there."

Hector used all of his strength to keep his eyes from straying away, knowing that it was a lie.

He was not prepared for her to be right next to him.

"Lyndis!" she said, grinning and stepping right past Hector. "It's been so long!"

Lyn hugged this girl close, and Hector wondered how they knew each other. He had surely never seen her before then.

"Eliwood, Hector," Lyn began, "this is my friend, (YN). She was daughter to the chieftan of another Sacaen tribe."

Eliwood shook her hand. "It's an honor to meet you - Lyn speaks of you quite often."

(YN) smiled. "She has written good things to be about you, as well."

When she turned to Hector, he nearly froze. Why exactly was that?

"Hector," he introduced shortly. "I haven't heard much, but I'm glad to meet you. Er, honored to meet you!"

He huffed, turning away with red cheeks. Since he was turned away, he missed Lyn whispering into her friend's ear.

The newer girl smiled, finding the future Marquess' shy actions quite cute.

"Sir Hector," she started, stepping away from the others. "Would you like to dance?"

Hector looked back to Eliwood and Lyn, who both nodded and encouraged him to go.

He turned to (YN), then offered her his arm. "I would like that."

She smiled, and that one motion nearly knocked Hector off of his feet. Her radiance was blinding, and he couldn't  believe such beauty stemmed from one of his actions.

The girl took Hector's hand, getting prepared to dance.

"I should warn you," she began, sttill smiling. "I'm not a very good dancer."

The taller man chuckled, then started leading her in a dance. "When I was small, my brother used to tell me that dancing was an important part of being noble. He said that knowing how to dance would make ne a better Marquess."

His new friend giggled. "Sounds like your brother liked to tease you."

Hector shook his head. "You don't know the half of it all." He looked down to the smaller girl. "What of your family?"

She shrugged. "My parents still live in the plains. They were one of the few in our tribe that decided to remain, and when they caught word that Lyn was being married, they urged me to come. Sadly, there weren't enough spare supplies for them to come. If there were, they'd be here, as well."

The Ostian man nodded in understanding. As slyly as he could, he stepped a little closer to (YN). To his disdain, she noticed, but it didn't bother her. She simply continued to let him lead her through the dance.

"How long will you be staying here?" Hector asked, hoping not to seem too forward.

"A few days, perhaps," she answered. "Did you wish to see me again, on another day?"

"Perhaps." Hector refused to meet her gaze, and she laughed a little.

"You certainly are an intriguing man," (YN) stated. "I would love to meet with you again."

With hopes high, Hector looked at the girl. "Is there a chance you could meet me just outside the Ostian palace? We could take a stroll, or go somewhere you may like."

"That sounds very nice."

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