Seth (1) pt 2

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"You want be to...go into active warfare, step in front of enemy lines, and...negotiate a peace with them?" I asked Fado disbelievingly.

He face still held kindness and faith, despite how I immediately shot down everything. "With due time, you'll know what to do. Other people may recognize you as you are. This isn't the first time, you know."

I shook my head. "What do you mean?"

Fado smiled softly. "A long time ago, there was another hero that arrived, and she was much like you. She restored balance across our homelands, saved countless lives, and ended wars that had gone on for years before she had arrived."

The king gave me a trusting gaze. "I know that you can do it, as well."

Before I could speak, he waved me off.

"Go, you must be fitted for your armor." With that, he walked away, leaving me in a confused state.

With him gone, I realized that I was completely alone in the huge room. I had no idea where I was meant to go.

"Let's try this way," I sighed, starting toward a nearby hallway. "This place is like a maze."

Luckily enough, after a couple twists and turns, I found my way back to my room. I flung myself onto my bed and clutched a pillow.

"How long will I be here?" I asked myself, thinking about my family and friends. "Do they know I'm gone? Do they miss me?"

I held the pillow even tighter. "I really miss you guys," I whispered, imagining my friends faces. They were so vivid and real. I felt like I was actually seeing them.

I wasn't.

All I was doing was putting myself inside the illusion that I would be seeing them again soon. After all, nothing was gonna change until the dumb war was over.

"What does this war have to do with me, anyway?!" I shouted to no one, sitting up on my bed. Tears began to fall. "I didn't start it, and I'm not even part of it! Why am I here at all?"

At last, I realized that I had been yelling very loudly. It was emphasized when I heard someone knock on my door.

"Is everything okay?" came Seth's soothing tone. "May I come in?"

I pushed the pillow back where it belonged. "Yes, come in."

The door opened slowly, revealing the knight. His eyes trailed over to me, and I knew he could tell I was crying before he came in.

"It can be scary," he told me, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Fighting is, of course, not always the best plan of action, and it can be a bit daunting. I know men and women who have been soldiers for decades, but they still get afraid before battle."

"We never meant to drag you away from your time," he continued. "We all know that this isn't your battle, but we need you. Without you, I fear we have no chance at leaving this war without losses. It's going to be gruelling work, and you're going to miss home very often..."

He trailed off, looking me in the eyes with a kind smile. "...but I'm sure that you'll find a way."

His little speech certainly worked on me, and I nodded. "I guess I was being a little selfish," I said.

"Everyone misses home, to some extent," he assured me. "These feelings are to be expected from people going into battle."

There were a few minutes of silence, but it was sorta comfortable. We just didn't feel the need to talk.

I decided to break the silence. "When I leave for...the battle, will you be coming with me?" I asked.

He looked intruiged. "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged. "I just feel safe around you, I guess. There's no easy way to describe it, but I'd really appreciate it if you could go, too."

A little smile grew on his mouth, and he nodded. "Then I'll be there."

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