Sain (1)

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I woke up with a pounding in my head. Rubbing the spot sorely, I tried to sit up.

"Please, lay back down!" came a woman's voice close to me.

Surprised, I glanced over, seeing a gril with beautiful hair and an even more attractive face sitting nearby.

"Who..." I touched the side of my head, as if it would make the pain cease. "Who exactly are you?"

"I am Lyndis, but, please, call me Lyn."

With a small, pained smile, I offered back, "I'm (YN)."

Lyn nodded, accepting my greeting. "Why are you here? You don't look like Sacae."

I chewed my lip. "I don't know how I got here. Last night, I simply laid in my bed, at home. Next thing I know, here I am."

She seemed to think about that, but shook her head. "Well, I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that I found you before any bandits or other nare-do-wells did."

I nodded, silently agreeing. "Thank you. I owe you, now."

Lyn shook her head. "You owe me nothing. It was an act of kindness."

"You probably just saved my life. Not many people would take a complete stranger in." My gaze travelled away, without me noticing.

The blue-haired woman smiled, deciding not to argue over whether she was kind or not. She also made a quiet decision that I was not aware of: She chose that she'd like to take care of me.


"A tactician?" Eliwood asked, seemingly unimpressed by my exterior, but still trying not to sound rude. "She...doesn't look like she has military experience."

The group of newcomers, led by Eliwood and Hector, looked me over. I was quite clearly not a plains-folk, but I wore an old tribe dress that Lyn spared me. In my owm opinion, I thought the clothes were a bit too thin, but Lyn had assured me that they'd protect me pretty well if I ever had to fend for my own.

"We've seen her in action," Kent promised Eliwood. "She's kept us alive, so far."

Sain and Lyn nodded, and Eliwood took their word for it.

"Very well," he agreed. "She may travel with us."

Lyn and I shared a small, victorious grin, before following the group to a campsite. There, we would be lying down to finally get some rest.

At least, that was the plan. A little over an hour later, we were ambushed. We had to leave Lowen, Florina, and Fiora to protect our things, while everyone else ventured to attack our assailants.

I felt very lost, as it was dark, and did all I could to point everyone the right direction.

"Kent, attack the soldier to your left! Your lance, use the lance!"

"Matthew, there's a mage behind you!"

"Wil, there's a pegasus knight close, shoot the-"

I was grabbed from behind, a cold hand covering my mouth. Despite that, I managed to let out a yell, before the person pulled me close and held a knife to my neck.

The closest person, Matthew, tried to run up, but the person used me as a shield.

Luckily, someone came from behind and took out the evil-doer. Then, my savior offered a hand and helped me onto the back of the horse.

"Are you okay?" Sain asked, concern in his tone.

"Yes, you came just in time! They didn't hurt me!" I hugged his back as the knly thanks that I could give.

"I'll keep you back there, try to stay on," he told me. "Call orders from there."

I nodded and did just that.

"Lyn, there's an archer nearby! Get up close!"

"Kent, take care of that troubadour!"

After almost three hours, we finally rid ourselves of the last attacker. Begrudgingly, everyone staggered back to our camping area.

Sain hopped off of the horse, then offered a hand to help me down. I threw my leg over the horse, then slid off. He grabbed my waist, keeping my from breaking my ankles, then set me on the ground.

"I never thanked you for saving me," I realized aloud as he hitchedm his steed to a tree.

He shrugged. "You don't really have to: Saving a pretty lady like yourself is reward enough."

We locked eyes for a moment, and I caught onto what kind of game he tried to play. Sadly enough for him, I was an expert.

I took two strides toward him, then placed a sweet kiss to his cheek. "There's a real reward."

He looked shocked, but it turned to a little smile. "Maybe I'll save you more often, if that's how you repay me."

"I thought saving me was a good reward all on its own."

"It was, until you offered a new payment."

I rolled my eyes, but grinned at him. "Well, I guess you'll just have to stick close to me, won't you?"

"I suppose that I will."

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