Seth (1)

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I woke up with a pounding in my head. It felt as if I had fallen from a house or something. How did that happen?

"She just fell out of the sky!" I heard someone yell.

Ah, that's how.

"Ma'am?" another voice came, and my eyes cracked open.

A man with red hair was offering his hand to help me up, and I took it. I couldn't stand well: My ankle felt like I at least sprained it. The man caught on, and allowed me to lean on him.

"My name is Seth," he introduced.

"I'm (YN)," I returned. It was then that I noticed his clothes. He was dressed like he was in the military or something, but really medieval-like. It looked like a uniform of sorts.

"I'm going to take you to see Eirika," he told me. I frowned.

"Who is that?" I asked, limping toward a horse. "Where are we?"

The man lifted me up, and I confusedly threw my leg over the horse. He was quick to sit behind me, grabbing the reins.

"Shit, I've never ridden a horse before," I said, shaking my head. "Wait, wait, wait. I'm not ready."

The man did that: He waited for me to compose myself. At my okay, he had the horse lead us toward what looked like a castle.

"We're going there?" I asked.

"Yes, that's where Eirika is. She'll want to see you."

A sigh escaped me. I leaned forward, slouching my back, and contemplated what could have landed me in wherever the hell I was.

"The party," I mumbled, chewing my lip as if it would help me find the details. "Am I drugged? Did I get drugged?"

The man didn't respond, either because he didn't hear me or because he thought I was crazy.

"We're here," he said, hopping off his horse. He then helped me off, as well, before allowing me to stabilize myself on his shoulder as we walked.

"So, who is this Eirika lady?" I asked. "She sounds important, or something."

Seth looked at me like I'd lost my mind, then nodded. "Yes, she's important."

The rest of the long, agonizing trip was in silence. We couldn't arrive in wherever we were quick enough for my taste.

"Seth, who is this?" a voice rang. I looked over, seeing a boy and girl wtih almost the same hair color walking towards us. I couod only assume they were siblings.

"Is this the woman they spoke to me about?" the girl asked. "The one who...fell from the sky?"

Seth nodded, and I felt very on the spot.

"I, uh..." The three pairs of eyes on me made me nervous. "I have no clue where we are. Um, where exactly are we?"

"You're in Renais," the boy said.

Seth stepped forward. "I don't believe she knows what Renais is."

The other two looked at me, and I let my gaze fall.

"What...Where and when are you from?" the blue-haired boy asked.

When I told them what year it was in my time, they gasped.

"That's not possible, unless..." Seth trailed off, and the other two looked at him expectantly. "Let us speak with your father."

"We're meeting a lot of people," I whispered. Seth must have heard, because he put a reassuring hand on my back.

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