Hector (2)

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Reader is long-haired. If you hair isn't long, imagine it is...?

"Matthew!" I called once more, crying out for the known spy of my suitor's older brother. "Matthew, please, I need your help!"

"What's wrong?" came that familiar voice behind me. I turned, seeing the blond spy in an uncharacteristically worried state.

"Why do you look so troubled?" I asked, forgetting my reason for calling him for a moment.

The spy shrugged, looking a little nervous. "If anything happened to you, and they knew you were asking for my help, I'd be hung by my toes for days," he morbidly joked.

He didn't have to explain who "they" were - it was my suitor, Hector, and his older brother, Uther.

"Matthew," I whispered, remembering my mission, "take me to Hector. I know he's leaving, and I must speak with him."

The blond looked doubtful, but I reamined confident.

"I will speak with Hector, and you will take me to him," I said.

Matthew was taken aback for a moment, then smirked. "You're as fiesty as the two of them, aren't you?" he jeered.

Without another word, he took my arm, quickly leading me through the winding halls of the castle.


"Who's there?" Hector called at a hall's end. "I know you're there."

Matthew and I stepped away from the pillar, and Hector's face fell.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

Matthew seemed to notice this was personal, because he stepped down another hall to give us both privacy.

"I know you wish to help your friend, Lord Eliwood," I said. "I want to go with you."

"Absolutely not," he replied, as I knew he would say. "I will not allow you to be put in danger."

"In these times, with nobles disappearing so often, I'm at as much risk next to Marquess Ostia as I am in the field with you," I defended. "I'm as likely to be struck down here as I am anywhere else, as so many know our relationship."

"Don't speak like that!" he chastised. "I know my brother, and he can keep you safe."

"If Marquess Ostia is watching out for me," I began, "then who will be watching out for him? I may not be a fighter, but I can use staves as well as any cleric you may find elsewhere."

My beloved seemed torn - he knew the risks I'd be taking, no matter where I was. Still, he shook his head. "I...I am a fool. If you were on the field, and anything happened to you, I'd never..." He dropped the sentence, and there was no need for him to finish it.

A smile that held no happiness took my face. "I figured as much." He opened his mouth, but I shook my head. "My feelings are intact. Perhaps bruised, but they may be repaired. If it truly eases your heart, I will remain at Marquess Ostia's side."

He sighed, almost in relief, and took my hands. "I love you so, and it tears me apart to leave you, but Eliwood needs my help more than ever. He cannot do this alone."

I nodded. "You don't have to explain yourself to me - I know why you're leaving." My hand reached into the small satchel I had, pulling out the charm I made.

"This..." Hector's eyes went wide. "This is your hair!"

He took the small charm - a strand of my hair, braided until the end of the line. I pulled back my hair, showing where I had snipped the small piece of.

"This can be on your axe," I said, pointing to his famed, prized Wolf Biel. "Can you show me the handle?"

Carefully, Hector brandished his weapon. With quick hands, I tied my charm to the end of the handle. When he held the Biel straight up, it dangled below.

As he put his weapon away, I moved forward, and we wasted no time on making a deep, loving embrace.

"Come home safely," I whispered, sniffing away tears. "If you come back with even a scratch, you're getting an earful."

He chuckled at me, then placed a short, sweet kiss to my lips. "I'll return before you know that I am gone."

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