Legault (1)

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"I know you're behind me," I said softly, patting the face of my friend's trusted steed.

"Even a well-trained thief like myself couldn't hide from you," came the tone of Legault. He put an arm around my waist.

I crossed my arms, meeting his eyes. "If you came here to try and convince me to leave again, you're in big trouble."

He put his hands up in surrender, smiling coyly. "I mean no harm, I just wanted to talk."

I managed to keep myself from rolling my eyes as I grabbed a handful of grain to give our horses. Legault was still there, seemingly pondering his next actions.

"I'm staying with the group," I told my purple-haired lover. "Nothing you say will convince me to leave."

A look of something resembling dear and betrayal crossed his features, and he strided over to me. "But why? You're not a fighter, and you'd be safer at home-"

"So you're saying I'm not strong enough? Is that what you're telling me?" I huffed angrily, throwing grain at the horse's feet.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it," he returned, voice raising with mine. "I just want you to stay safe."

"That's why I'm with you," I whispered, turning away. "People know who you are, and they know you're with me. What's stopping them from finding me at home? Who is going to keep me safe?"

Legault had nothing to say as I wrapped my arms around him, but he returned the action whole-heartedly.

"I'm staying with you because I know you'll keep me safe. I know you can protect me."

"But what if I fail you?" he choked. "So many people have died because of me. I couldn't bear adding you to that list."

I pulled back some, putting my hands on his cheeks to keep his eyes on me. "You won't fail me. If there's anything I know about my thief, it's that he always comes through for me."

Finally, a small smile crossed over his face.

"Remember that one time, in Pherae,"I began. "I had been robbed, and you were upset that someone seemed better at stealing than you."

He rolled his eyes, pretending to be mad. "Yes, but I still retrieved your things, didn't I?"

"Yes, but that was more brute than stealing."

Legault pulled me close, placing a hand on the back of my head to hold me to him. "For you, I could steal the stars."

I smiled a little as his thumb gently brushed over my cheek.

"Or, I could get them through more legitimate means, if that impresses you more."

A laugh escaped me, and I missed the look of success on his face. "Let's go back to the others, it's time to get some rest."

He nodded, releasing his hold, but keeping a hand in mine. Together, we trotted back to the campsite, where food had been prepared. We ate like a family, sitting close, telling stories, and laughing like nothing was wrong.

It felt like family.

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