Innes (1)

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Baby-Five months old

The shrill shriek of a child jolted the young Marquess and his wife. The pair of them let out tired groans.

"It's your turn, tonight," the wife, (YN) told her husband, Innes.

"It's been my turn for a week," he contradicted.

"I gave birth to the child."

Knowing he was fighting a battle he'd lose anyways, Innes stepped out of bed, over to the sound of the yelling infant.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly, fully aware that no response would come from the bright-eyed baby. "You smell horrid. I guess I'll have to change you."

The young father made short work of changing the baby, as well as cleaning her nasty rear.

He held up his baby, causing a small giggle to escape her. She was a fan of heights, unlike her mother, who refused to even sit on a pegasus.

"Ah, my dear (DN)," he smiled. "I love you, but everyone in the castle could use some rest. Please, sleep well."

He laid his daughter in her bed, and she immediately cuddled up to a small teddy bear - a gift from his wife's younger siblings, the twins of Renais. Its fur was a blue almost the same as his wife's hair.

Satisfied with the small child's happiness, Innes trudged over to his bed. Once in, he wrapped himself around his wife, who sighed and snuggled closer.

"Why are you still awake?" he asked softly, as not to disturb the child. "It's been quite some time since you were woken up."

"I watched you play with her," (YN) responded, voice groggy, yet still music to Innes' ears. "You truly are a perfect father."

The man smiled at the compliment. "Only because I have the best wife and mother for my child right beside me."

Baby-Four years old

(YN) chased her daughter around the seemingly infinite halls of the castle. Innes was busy with meetings, so his gorgeous wife was left to tend for their child for the day.

"You sneaky girl!" the mother spoke, seeing her daughter atop a table. "Be careful, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.

"I fine, mommy," the little girl said. "I strong, like daddy!"

(YN) picked up her adventurous daughter, who shrieked in laughter when she was held high in the air.

"I bet you will be as strong as your father," she sighed. "I wouldn't be surprised at all if you got into even half of the messes your father did."

"What did dad do?" (DN) asked curiously. "Story time!"

(YN) smiled, accepting the request to tell her daughter stories. She lead the small child to a larger room, almost the size of the throne room itself. There, the two sat at a small fireplace, where a little flame was sustaining itself on only twigs.

The little girl helped her mother toss in a few cut up logs, which helped the fire to grow larger. Together, they sat in the warmth, and (YN) smiled.

"Perhaps I will begin with the first adventure I ever saw him on - the one where he saved my life."

There was a glint of passion in her daughter's eyes, and she began telling her story passionately.

Teenager-Sixteen years old

(YN) fearfully checked on her daughter, who had gotten her wish of seven years granted by being allowed to spar with the knights of Frelia.

Innes approached, putting a calming hand on his wife's shoulder. "She will be fine," he reassured her. "The knights know when to stop, and they can keep themselves from injuring her."

The woman shook her head. "It's not the sparring that I'm worried about, it's what will surely follow."

The Marquess looked at his dearest with a confounded expression.

"After this, she will want to leave, and she could get hurt so many ways, out there," she said, admitting her fears. "I remember when you and I left, and how unbearable it was to see you in pain. I cannot fathom not being able to know how she fares, so far away from home."

Innes gently grabbed (YN)'s hands, causing her to meet his eyes. "She will fare well," he promised. "If she truly has our blood in her, you know she will be able to handle whatever all of Magvel may throw at her."

Still doubtful, the woman sent another glance out into the courtyard, where her daughter had successfully pinned Vanessa to the ground.

Her husband placed a hand on her cheek, having her look at him. "She will be fine."

With a hopeful look, (YN) hugged the Marquess tightly. "I hope and pray that you are correct."

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