Part 1

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"That's a wrap," the photographer said as he started to put away his equipment.

I sighed in relief, don't get me wrong I love what I do, but it can be tiring. I drove home, and jumped on my couch, and decided to take a nap. I woke up from my nap to the sound of my phone ringing. 

"Hello," I said in a faint raspy voice.

"Hey, sweetie, I was wondering if you could meet me at our house for dinner." My mom spoke

"Ok mum"

"Oh, and by the way, we're gonna be having dinner with another family."

"Ok, bye I love you Mom"

"Love you" and with that, she hung up

After that, I went to my room and got dressed. I left to go to my parent's house.

"Hey Hunny" my Mom greeted me as I entered the house.

Hello Sweetheart My Dad said 

"Our guest should be here any second now"

And with that being said, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and let them in. As mine, and I'm only to assume the other guy's parents talked. 

"I'm Scarlett, Scarlett, " I said sticking my hand out for him to shake it.

"I'm Rudy, Rudy Pankow," he said shaking my hand. After that, we started talking and got to know each other better. My Mom cleared her throat grabbing my attention of me and Rudy

"Ok, so I think it's time you guys know why you're actually here," My Dad said bluntly. 

"We brought you here, because..." My Mom said not completing  Her sentence. 

"You both will be getting married". As Rudy's Mom said that our jaws dropped. 

"Wait, we're gonna be getting married. " I questioned. They nodded their heads. 

"Do we have a say in this?"Rudy said? 

"I'm sorry sweetie but no" his mom replied. 

"But, mom, what about my manager."

"He said it would be a good thing, and it would get people talking about your Acting Career."  His mom replied 

"We barely know each other." 

"And that's why you guys will be living in an apartment together." Our eyes nearly popped out of our heads. I sighed heavily. Just, why us.

"Looks like we have to agree to this," I whispered into Rudy's ear. 

" ok," we said in unison.  

"Great, so it's settled." They all shook hands, and with that, the arranged marriage was on.


Hey, Hope you enjoy💕 sorry if there are any spelling mistakes:/ make sure to vote and comment❤️

Arranged Marriage/Rudy PankowWhere stories live. Discover now