Part 30

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Scarlett POV

It's been 2 weeks since I and Chase have had sex. I don't know how I even feel about the situation with Chase and Rudy. Rudy makes my heart explode with his passion, his way with words and the way they make my heart flutter, and his sympathy for my feelings. But Chase makes me feel good inside and out. He's silly personally, his smile makes me feel like the only woman in the world. But the love I have for Chase still stands in the way of me and Rudy's wedding.

I have been throwing up for the past week.

"Princess I think you have a stomach bug or something. You should get that checked out." Rudy said as he held my hair up.

"Yeah, your right." Once I was finished I brushed my teeth and got ready.

Later that day

Rudy was out with JD and Madison, Madelyn and I was alone. Suddenly I had the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom.

"Yep, I gotta go see what's going on." I grabbed my keys and went to the nearest hospital. I signed in at the front desk and sat and waited for my name to be called. As I sat I saw a small child playing in a play area. For some reason, I wished h That was me. Well, the mother of that child of course. I never really thought of having children but I feel like I want them all of a sudden. As I was in deep thought I hear my name being called.

" Scarlett, Scarlett Walsh ." One of the nurses said from the door. I stood up and walked towards her. She walked me down a short hallway and into a room.

"The doctor will be right with you Miss. Walsh." I just nodded my head and she left. About five minutes later the doctor came in.

"Hi, Miss. Walsh what's going on today." He asks. I told him all about what was happening and he took notes as I did. "Well to me it sounds like your pregnant." He said with a chuckle as if he were making a joke. But I thought about it. I did have sex with Chase just 2 weeks ago.

"I'll run some test in the meantime pee in this cup and relax." I did what he said and he took the cup. It felt like I have been waiting and waiting for the longest. He came back with a large smile on his face.

"Well, Miss. Walsh looks like I was right. Your pregnant congratulations."

"I- thanks."

I just took the results and left. What am I gonna do now?

Chase POV

I haven't talked to Scarlett in 2 weeks and out of the blue she called me asking if we could meet up. I said yes of course the tone of her voice seemed like she was worried or scared of something. I said we would meet at the peer. As I waited in her I looked at the peaceful and calm ocean. I gave so many thoughts running through my head. Was she going to tell me that sleeping with me was a mistake was she going to let me she loved me? As I thought I felt a soft and gentle touch on my shoulder.

I turned around to see That it was Scar. When I looked at her I could see that she had been crying. They were red and puffy. I sat her down on the nearby Bench.

"Scarlett, Are you ok?"

"No- yeah I don't know Chase I'm scared."

"Of what d-did Rudy hurt you or-" he said before I interrupted him.

"No of course not. But I do have something important to tell you. I-I'm pregnant and I'm pretty sure it's Yours."

Scarlett's POV

Chase's heart dropped when I told him. When that happened my heart also dropped. What was he thinking? He didn't say anything he just sat there. I started to get up and leave before he pulled me back to sit down.

"I-I'm sorry I just don't know what to say. I mean I've always wanted to be a dad but what about you and Rudy. What are you gonna tell him, are you guys gonna go on with the wedding."

"I don't know. I just don't know." I said out of frustration. Two boys have the key to my heart and now I'm pregnant by one of them and have to marry the other. " look just know that I'll deal with it in the meantime we'll just have to stay apart. I don't wanna hurt Rudy I can't bring myself to tell him."

"And you don't have to... at least not now. I-I love you and that baby already. Just whatever you do or whoever you chose please just think about my feelings." I just nodded. This is what I love about him he's so sensitive and warm inside.

"I have to go." I got up and so did Chase. He pulled me close to him and gently kissed my lips. His soft lips hit a mine and just like that I felt safe and loved.

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