Part 32

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Scarlett POV

I walked out of the bathroom before Chase so It won't look weird. I walked over to Rudy and sat beside him. He put his hand on my thigh. His touch eased my nerves but only a little. He then kissed my cheek as he did the came out of the bathroom. He sat across for me and Rudy.

the whole night all I could think about was the love triangle I was in. How I was having a baby by my fiance's Friend. I'm getting married tomorrow and he doesn't even know. It was time to go. I and the girls all went to my parent's house while the guys went back to mine and Rudy's place.

(Scarlett's parent's house )

I slept in my old bedroom while the girl slept in the guest room. everyone was asleep but me. I couldn't sleep I'm getting married tomorrow. This was something that's going to ruin me or make me happy. I grabbed my phone that was on the nightstand near the bed. I open my phone and FaceTime Chase. He answered on the second ring.

"Scarlett is 2 am why are you...are you ok," Chase asked. I clearly woke him out of his sleep.

"I'm fine." That's a lie I was more overwhelmed and sad at myself than I have ever been in my whole life. "I-I just can't sleep. Do you mind staying on the phone until I fall asleep?"

"Of course."

It didn't take me long to fall asleep. I guess just know Chase was there in some way I felt better. He made me feel like all my troubles were gone.


When I woke up Chase wasn't on the phone. I'm guessing he hung up when I fell asleep. I sat up in bed looking at my phone. I'm getting-

"You're getting married Scarlett," Sommer said bursting into my bedroom. She had a huge smile on her face.

"I know." I put on a fake smile and got out of bed. She dragged me to get my hair and makeup done. As the hair and makeup people did what they do best, the girls talked about how happy they were for me. If only they knew how I was really feeling. Only if they could see what was under this fake smile.

After we got ready I and the girl got into the limo and headed to the church. While in the limo Madison held my hand I looked up at her.

"Relax you'll be fine," she said then hugged me.

"Yeah," I said back to her. We got to the church and went inside. Nobody was there yet because we came early. We went into the dressing room and I put on my dress. I look in the mirror. I look absolutely beautiful. As I looked in the mirror Sommer came in.

"It's time." She said gently. I nodded my head and she closes the door.

"You got this Scar. You love Rudy." I say to myself but it doesn't feel right. I leave the room and join my Dad.

He locked out his arms.

"You look, beautiful Scarlett. I'm so happy for you," he said with tears In his eyes. I look forward to watching the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle together.

"Yeah, Dad."

It was our turn to walk down. The nerves in my body were jumping off the walls. And everything in my was telling me not to do this. I got to the altar and stood in front of everyone. He had the biggest smile on his face and he was completely red.

"You look beautiful," Rudy said trying not to Stutter on his words.

"You do too." As I look at him I can see Chase.

As the priest talked all I could think about was this baby and how it wasn't even Rudy's and how I was hurting the people I love dearly.

It was time to say I do. Rudy went first to say his vows.

"Scarlett When I'm around you nothing is wrong. You make my life better living and I love you with all my heart. I promise to love support and satisfy you in every way possible. You've got my whole heart." He said with a wink at the end" you give me butterflies I just love you so much. So yes I do."

With every word, he said cut me like knives. I can't do this.

"I-I...I can't do this Rudy I'm sorry. I'm pregnant but it's Chase's, baby. I'm sorry." I said taking my hands out of his and running to the backroom balling my eyes out. I hadn't noticed that Chase ran behind me.

Chase walked into the room and close the door behind him. He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder. I then hear the door open and shut again. I wipe my eyes and look to see who It was. He just stood there with his hands in his pockets with his head down trying his hardest to fight the tears.

"I'll give you guys a minute. I'll be right outside if you need me". He said then exiting the room not daring to look at his Friend. Rudy walked closer to me but at the same time kept his distance.

"Rudy I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did this to you I'm sorry I put you through this I'm sorry I-I I'm just sorry for everything. It's all my fault." I said starting to cry again. He came in and hugged me tightly.

"Hey hey it's ok. I love you and that all that matters. I want to marry you we can work something out-"

"No., Rudy, you deserve someone that loves you and only you. You deserve someone better than me someone who's not pregnant with their Friend's baby ." I said and laughed a little. I slid off my ring and placed it in Rudy's hand. I kissed his cheek.

"I'll always love you." He said then left as he left Chase came in.

"Are you ready to go back out there?"

"No, because I ended the wedding. He deserves to be happy with someone else who is not pregnant and this leaves us to be a couple now. I love you and I know you love me." I said

He came to me and kissed me and I kissed back for once I like it I wasn't creeping around. It felt right.

I go out to tell the guest that the wedding was off and what happens. There was some whispering but I knew it was going to happen.

Once everyone left I did. I went back to the apartment and started to pack all my things. Because I was moving with it, Chase. As I packed Rudy stood at the door frame.

"You know you should Date Sommer. She loves you and your connection to her is amazing. And I can tell she likes you." He said nothing but I know he was thinking about it. I got up because I was finally done. Rudy helped put the stuff in my car. As we stood outside near my car Rudy caressed my face.


He looked so hurt. I am so sorry Rudy. He pulled me closer. His soft lips hit mine making me feel an electric spark between us. I guess I'll always feel that way. I pulled away and hugged him.

"I gotta go," I said getting into my car. Rudy just walked back into the apartment heartbroken.

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