Part 26

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Scarlett POV

Rudy and I were laying in bed cuddling. We were talking about wedding plans as we were going to put the wedding back on. Suddenly we saw Chase storming out crying. I called Everyone while Rudy and I rushed to get dressed. We ran out to Chase him but we were too late. We had no idea where he had gone.

We spent hours searching all over for Chase. L.A. wasn't exactly small. We were relieved when we got the phone call that JD had found him.

"I need to go see him," I told Rudy.

"Alright, I'll come with" He replied.

"No, you don't understand. I need to go see him alone."

"But" he sighs. "But what if he makes you fall for him and you leave me."

"Rudy, look at me. Look at me, look into my eyes. Trust me when I say there is nothing that boy can do to make me stop loving you. I gave myself to you, not him. Did I spend last night with him? Am I marrying him? No, I spent the night with you, I am marrying you, I. Love. You." We both had small tears in his eyes. I wiped his away and held his face. I pulled him into a passionate kiss. "Now, do you trust me?"

"With all my heart" he replied. We shared another loving kiss and then I was off to Guy's house.

Chase's POV
I was crying in my room alone. JD went downstairs to get something leaving me in this room alone.

I cringe at the touch of the room, knowing I used to share this room with Rudy. How could he betray me like that?

My face was buried in my knees, my crying tears came out dry since I cried so much. I hard the door open and close. I felt the dip in the bed and the person right next to me. I hugged them, bawling my eyes into their chest. I look up expecting to see my Brown-headed friend, but I don't...

Sorry for the short chapter 😅
So who do you think it is?
Hey! Its El again! Or aka WhyCantI
Let me tell you right now, not everything is what you will expect or think. Have fun reading! Enjoy

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