Part 35

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5 years later....

I and Rudy are still married. There's been a few arguments but nothing we can't get through. Xavier is 5 now and we have 2-year-old Twins Girl's Nicolette and Nicole. I'm also pregnant again 2 weeks at that. I've always wanted a big family. One that could sit around the dinner table and talk about how their day was.

"Hey babe could you get the door," Rudy said walking past me with Nicole in his arms and Xavier on his leg. Madelyn, Chase, Alyssa their 1-year-old daughter. Along with Sommer, Jake her husband, and their two kids Amber and Sean and Madison, and JD  with their sons Kyle and Carson

I open the door to see everyone. We hugged and stuff then I let them inside. We sat around in the living room.

"So Scar any baby names yet," Sommer asked as she clanged onto Jake's arm.

"Yes but that's a surprise," Rudy mentioned then kissed my cheek. We talked about life and our kids and how ours live changed. Chase and Madelyn are a beautiful couple, they got married last year once Alyssa was able to walk. Sommer and Jake are wonderful godparents to Xavier and JD and Madison are wonderful godparents to Nicolette and Nicole. I have everything I could ever ask for. A big happy family.


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