Part 33

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Scarlett POV (9 months later)

It's been 9 months and 2 weeks and I and Chase have been doing great. He shows me so much love and our son Xavier. Well, Xavier James Stokes, he's the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen. But something isn't right he kinda looks like Rudy. I had been thinking and.

"Chase I think we should get a DNA test," I said sitting In the rocking chair with Xavier in my arms.

"What- why would we need to do that."He said not looking directly at me.

"I just what if he's Rudy's. I love you I do but what if he's not yours and he's Rudy's I can't just hold that from him."

"But you said he is mine, Scar."

I sat Xavier in his crib and walked to Chase putting my hand in his cheek ever so softly stroking his cheek.

"I know what I said I just don't what him to grow up with the wrong father and If he is Rudy's he deserves to know."

"Ok well do it tomorrow."

"Thank you, baby." He kissed my cheek and left the room. I can't really tell if he's mad or not.

2 days later

Yesterday we even to get the DNA test. I and Chase sat in the hospital room anticipation and nervousness filled the whole room. Out of nowhere, the doctor comes into the room.

"Hi, Miss. Walsh and Mr.Stokes how are you today."


"DNA test from your child Xavier James. The test came back...negative. Chase is not the father. I am sorry to inform you." My heart sank to my feet. How could this be? I looked at Chase. He had a blank expression on his face.

"Thank you." I got up to hug Chase but he softly pushes me away.

"O-ok." I tried to say before he left but he was already gone. I plopped back onto the bed This could only mean that he's Rudy's. I pick my phone back up and call Rudy.

"Hey, Scarlett what's going on."

"Umm. You see- you know what I'm just gonna come out and say it. Xavier isn't Chase's."

He said nothing. It was completely silent on his side of the phone as if I hadn't even called him in the first place.

"Hello Rudy are you there"

"Y-yeah. So that means I'm Xavier's father."

"Yes, I think so. I just need you to take a DNA test to be sure."

"Yeah sure.."

"We are at the Hawthorne hospital."

"Yeah. I- 'll see you when u see you."

It had been just about thirty minutes passed and Rudy came through the door. We did the DNA thing and he sat down in the chair across from me.

"So now that we know he's mine what are we gonna do."He said as he leaned against the door of my car.

" We co-parent. Look I want you to be in Xavier's life. I'm not trying to keep him away from you."

"Thank you.

"So how long do you think it's gonna take."

"It shouldn't take long maybe 10 minutes more, "I said holding Xavier close.

Then Chase comes through the door."hey guys what's going on.

"The results for the DNA test. We took it a few minutes ago and now we're waiting."I said finally closing the door.

"Oh well, I'll wait with you." He said sitting on the opposite side. Their relationship hasn't really been the same.

"Yeah, that's fine." It went back to the same silence, anticipation, and nervousness that filled the room as before.

The doctor then came in. "We got the results back. And the Father of Xavier James is Rudy's. Congratulations sir." she said shaking Rudy's hand and then leaving.

We all talked about it and what we were going to do. Chase looked bothered the whole time. We decided to call Friends and our parents, and some close friends and invite them over.

Once Everyone got there I and Rudy told them how I made a mistake and Xavier is Rudy's. They were very understanding. We all crowded around the baby.

"Umm, I need to talk to Scarlett...alone." Everyone got up and left the room and shut the door.

"You should sit." I did as he asks and sat.

"I've been seeing Madelyn for a while. I just don't feel that same way. And I just feel like you love Rudy and you'll never love me the way you will love him."

He was right. I had nothing to say and to be honest I wasn't even mad at him.

"You don't have to say anything I just needed to let you know. And you should get back to Rudy. I know you want to."

"I do."

We gave each other and friendly hug. After breaking our hug Rudy comes in.

"Umm, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria for some food you guys want anything."

"I'm good," Rudy said. Shook my head no and he left. I And Rudy just sat looking at OUR beautiful baby boy.

Rudy I and Chase broke up... kinda. I just don't love him nor does he love me as we want. Rudy what I'm trying to say is that I want to be with you. I love you and I shouldn't have left you."

"I love you too and haven't stopped. We should try things again."

"I want to marry you and start over with you. Be a family. I love you so much." He softly grabbed my face kissing it gently. I held him close sucking all the love out of him. He pulled away from me and looked down at me. He held my hand and got on one knee.

"I want to do this the right way I want us. Our family. I love you with my whole heart Mind and soul. Scarlett Walsh will you marry me."

And here comes the waterworks. "Yes,y-yes I will marry you." He got up and kissed he then picked up Xavier.

"We will be a family. And I love you both so much." He kissed my cheek and then Xavier's forehead.

" He kissed my cheek and then Xavier's forehead

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