Part 31

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Scarlett POV

When I walked into the house Rudy was sitting on the couch watching something on the tv.

"Hey princess how did the doctor's visit go," Rudy said still having his attention on the tv?

I sat down on my bag and jacket and sat next to him. He pulled me closer to him hugging onto me then kissed my head.

"Umm, it was good. They said I just had a bug and to just take some antibiotics. I'll be fine." he nodded and his attention went right back to the tv screen. I lead my head onto his shoulder. What was I gonna do, how was I gonna tell Rudy, what was he gonna say when I tell him.  All these questions floated in my head. I was truly scared of his reaction.

"Princess are you sure you ok."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
I got up and went to the bedroom and just laid there. I put my hand upon my stomach. There was an actual baby in there. It's crazy.

Next day.

Today was the day we were having the rehearsal dinner. I was nervous but I had to get through it. I was still feeling sick but I pushed it aside I didn't want anyone to notice either. I had got a dress and was waiting for it, Rudy. Once he was done we drove to the church. As we drove Rudy held my hand.

"Don't be so nervous it's gonna be fine," he said holding my hand gently.

Once we got there it seemed like everyone was there. 

"Where is JD. Why is this man never on-" just as Rudy was about to finish his sentence JD walked in.

"I am always on time, Bro," JD said dappling up Rudy and the rest of the guys.

"Yeah yeah just get ready."

Everyone went to their places. First Madelyn and Chase walked down the aisle. I don't know if anyone else could tell but Chase was not too happy about the whole thing. But Madelyn on the other hand was so excited. Then JD and Madison walked down.  After them, was Alec and Sommer then Henning, and My Mom then it was Rudy and his mom walking down the aisle. The little girl then walked down holding a basket of fake flowers throwing them down the aisle along with the boy walking by her side holding the rings.

It was now my turn to walk down the aisle. I know it wasn't the real thing but I still felt jittery and nervous.

"Hey, you'll be fine," My Dad said holding my hand.

"Yeah." As we talked down the aisle I couldn't help but smile. I looked at Sommer she looked like she was gonna explode with joy. She was happy for me I guess. Then I looked at Chase, he wasn't happy at all his face looked as if he was depressed and not happy and it hurt to see him like that. Last but not least my attention went to Rudy. He had the biggest smile on his face and his cheeks were rosy red.

Once I got up there I stood in front of him and he held my hand, looked into my eyes. It felt like we just looked at each other for a while.

"Ok, I think it's time to eat, yeah," Chase said interrupting the moment.

"Yeah."I let go of his hands and left out of the church with everyone behinds me.

At the restaurant

We all went to the long table. Chase was on one side of me and Rudy on the other side. It was either the tension between me and Chase or this baby but I did not feel too good. We ordered food and everyone was talking but I couldn't focus on the conversation.

"Scarlett you, ok baby." My mom asked.

"Yeah, umm excuse me" I got up and went to the bathroom. The bathroom was empty so As soon as I got there I started to softly cry. I was overwhelmed with this baby and my wedding is tomorrow to a man that I haven't even told I'm pregnant.

I don't know if I can even do this anymore. My feeling is up and down between them both.

Chase POV

Scarlett had been gotten up to use the bathroom but I could tell she was upset. And I don't blame her.

"I'll be right back." I got up and went after her. Once I make it to the bathroom she's in I can hear the soft cries. I go in and see her looking in the mirror crying. I go up to her and she sees me.

"Hey hey hey don't cry. What's wrong." I said as I hugged onto her. She cried just a bit harder once she was in my arms.

"Chase I don't know what I'm gonna do. He's going to hate me," she said crying into my shoulder. I don't like it when she cries. I feel like I can't do anything about it.

"It's going to be fine Scar. He's not gonna hate you Scar he'll understand. I promise he won't hate you. Rudy's not like that."

I hold her some more to calm her down. But what is she going to tell him when he says I do on the Alter.

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