Part 28

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Scarlett's POV
I wake up next to Chase and I smile remembering what happened last night. I check my phone and see many texts from Rudy.
"Holy Crap" I inhale sharply.
As I leave the house and arrive at my apartment I see wonder what I should tell Rudy.
I walk into our room and see him sleeping peacefully. I get into bed and drift off to sleep.
3 hours later
In my sleep, I hear soft whispers. Unsure of who they belong to.
"I know Mom...I think she's just having a hard time with this arranged marriage thing and he's the one she loves...I gotta go mom talk to you later. I love you." The voice says.
I open my eyes to see a tired Rudy. We say good morning and start talking.
" think that I and Chase are in love..." I asked disappointed.
"Well, Scarlett What do you want me to think? You leave me alone all the time to visit him.."
Rudy replies. I look into those deep hazel eyes and I just couldn't resist. I grabbed him by his neck and kissed him passionately. I was still hungry and I just couldn't stop and get enough.

To be continued...

Arranged Marriage/Rudy PankowWhere stories live. Discover now