Part 15

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Rudy's Pov

It was Chase. Oh boy.

"Oh, um sorry, I was just Uhm." He said scrambling on his words. 
Scar started to Giggle. Of course, he had to interrupt my time with her. 
"Hey Rudy I should be heading back to the apartment, and your welcome to move back in anytime you want," she said, a smile growing on my face. 
" ok, do you want me to walk you out," I asked.
"No it's ok," she said and walked out the door.

As soon as she left I looked towards Chase.

"What?" he asked.

"Why were you listening to our conversation?

"Because I wanted to hear what you were talking about, duh" I rolled my eyes at chase's immature behavior.

Bro just back off" I said.

"Why, cuz she'll like me more." He said with a smirk.
"Ok, how about this, we both get to take her on dates kiss her hug her all that but, at the end of the contest, we make her choose who she wants to date," Chase suggested. I shook my head.
"Ok, you're on," I said
"Oh, and just know I'm a step ahead of you, I'm moving back in with her," I said leaving the room.

3rd person POV
Both boys went their separate way thinking about how they could win over the girl's heart. 
Rudy began to pack his things because he was going to be moving back in with Scarlett. Chase was sitting on the couch debating whether or not to text Scarlett, and as for Scar, she was sitting at her house knowing nothing about what both were planning, and that was the worst part of it all. 

Sorry I haven't updated, I've been very busy.
Hope you like this chapter🥰
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