Part 3

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Rudy's POV
I woke up to the smell of food cooking. I walked towards the smell and saw Scarlett cooking breakfast.

"Hey, what are you cooking?"

" Pancakes, bacon, and Coffee"

"Sounds good"

"Are you excited to meet my friends" I questioned

"Yup, they sound very interesting" she replied with a smile.

"Ok, they said their gonna come in an hour "


Scarlett's POV
I got up from the couch to see who was at the door until-

"I'll get it," Rudy said running towards the door.

"Oh, guys come in" I heard Rudy say from the door.

"Guys, this is Scarlett, Scar these are my friends ."

"Hi, I'm, Scarlett," I said sticking my hand out for them to shake it.

"I'm Madison"

JD, Madelyn, And Chase "

They said shaking my hand.

"So what do you guys wanna do"Rudy questioned.

"How about we go to Target, I could pick a couple of things I need, and y'all can do whatever ever you want." They all agreed, and then we headed to target. We arrived at Target and to my surprise, the boys ran straight to the shopping carts and jumped in one.

"Scar, can you push me," Rudy said

"Ugh, fine," I said as we walked into the store. We got so many stares, but I wouldn't blame Rudy and Chase in a shopping cart.  After I got the things I needed, I loaded them into the trunk of the car.

"Hey, how about we race," Madison said.

"Yeah, that sounds fun, but Rudy has to push me this time," I said with a laugh.

"Ok," JD and Madelyn said. I and Rudy jumped into a cart,  and then...



"GO!!" I yelled as we zoomed past each other until
What the hell was that, I turned around to see...

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