Part 25

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Chase's POV

It was around 1 pm and no one has heard from Rudy since last night. I was kinda hoping he wasn't with Scar cause I really like her. Every time she's near or I hear her name, my stomach does somersaults. I was going to her apartment to say sorry and confess all my feelings for her. After 6 minutes my uber arrived.

It was an awkward, quiet drive. But it was all worth it when we arrived at her apartment. I went inside seeing as I was given a key.

"Scar" I called out her name, over and over. No response. I checked every room except for the bedroom. I walked to the bedroom and put my hand on the handle. I could hear soft murmurs. I stuck my ear to the door in an attempt to gear the conversation.

"So, how about we----- and the cake goes in the center-surround by other pastries" I heard Scar's sweet voice say.

"Okay, now for------ how about Hawaii?" I deep voice asked. It sounded almost like...


"Too basic, what about Venice" I heard her say.

"Or Rome" Rudy's voice came in again. By now I was fuming with anger. I had no idea what they were talking about, or what they were doing, but knowing Rudy was in there with Scarlett made me boil with anger.

I slowly opened the door to see Rudy, shirtless under the covers and cuddling her. She was in nothing but undergarments. I was about to blow my fuse. The worst part, they didn't even know I was there. They kept carrying on with their conversation.

I stormed out and I heard someone yell my name, so they obviously realized I was there. I heard rumbling and people racing after me. I ran, ran as far as I could crying. I eventually found a bench to cry on and sat down on it.

I felt someone sit down next to me. I look up hoping it was Scarlett WITHOUT Rudy. But it was JD. I cried into his chest.

Why did she pick him over me? Was I not good enough? Those thoughts repeated in my head and I cried.

"Scarlett told me you ran away, I figured I would find you here," JD said. "Come on let's go home, channel your feelings into a song."

When we got home JD told me to write about my feelings. But all I could think about is Why Scarlett? Why did she hurt me like this?


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