Part 18

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Scarlett POV
"Both of you explain now."

"Ok, so we both made a bet" Chase began.
"And the bet was that we would make you fall in love with one of us," Rudy said continuing.

I stood there filled with anger.
"So you both betted on my love?" I said trying to stay calm. 
"Yeah," they said in a sad tone.
I sighed
"Leave please," I said to both of them. They both left, and I started to cry. I called Sommer and asked her to come over
*a couple of minutes later*
"Aww, my poor baby," she said comforting me.
I let out a little laugh
We both watched movies, and eat junk food until I got a text from JD? That's weird we don't usually talk that much. I opened the message, and it said...

Sorry this is really short, but the next chapter will be longer, I just need it to be short for the next chapter to be better❤️

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