Chapter One: Cafeteria Gazes

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"So I think I'm gonna ask Anne out," said Charlie.

Gilbert choked on his piece of mango.

"Really? You and Anne?" Gilbert was lowkey shook.

"Nope. I just wanted to see your face." Charlie broke out into a grin.

Gilbert rolled his eyes.

"Screw you Charlie," Muttered Gilbert. He could feel his face turning red. For some reason  Charlie took delight in the idea that Gilbert had a crush on Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. Obviously no such crush existed, but Charlie's teasing got to Gilbert.

"You should ask her out. Y'all would make a cute couple" Charlie smirked.

"Yeah, I'll ask her out when you ask Diana out, loverboy." Charlie flipped Gilbert the bird at this admonition. Charlie had had a not-so-secret crush on Diana Barry for as long as Gilbert could remember.

When they were in third grade, Charlie had taken to calling her "Diana Barfy" in order to get her attention. This had annoyed her to no end, but she had since forgiven him. Ever since then they had been friends, with Diana being completely oblivious to Charlie's crush on her.

Gilbert's thought drifted to Anne. He wished she had forgiven him for calling her "carrots" like Diana had forgiven Charlie. Of course, their situation was completely different. Gilbert was only looking to be friends with Anne. Obviously.

Even if he DID have a crush on her, she would never like him back.

Still, Gilbert couldn't help but notice from across the cafeteria how nice Anne's smile was. It was addictive.  She was laughing now, and he realized with a shock that her hair was down today, a wave of red hair bouncing and swaying along with her laughter. He was captivated.

He was staring.

They made eye contact.

"Shit" thought Gilbert, embarrassed to have been caught looking at her. He didn't want Anne to think he was creepy or weird.

She probably already did. Oh well.

The moment passed. She was back to laughing and smiling along with her friends. He wished he could make her smile like that. All she did with him was roll her eyes. 

To be fair, Gilbert could be quite annoying to Anne. He remembered back in seventh grade, when he took a notebook to the face for grabbing one of Anne's braids and calling her Carrots.

The bell rang. It was time for class.

Gilbert picked up his bag. He had AP English with Miss Stacey. He brightened upon remembering that they were getting their project partner today. He hoped to be with one of his friends, maybe Fred or Moody.


Anne was having a perfectly wonderful day. She had noticed in the mirror that morning the her hair looked darker than usual. Hopefully it was fading into a rich auburn like Mrs. Lynde had suggested it would. Feeling confident, Anne had left her hair down instead of in a high ponytail like usual.

When she had met her dearest friend Diana Barry on their daily walk to school together, Diana complimented Anne on her hair.

"Oh Anne! You really should wear your hair down more often, it looks amazing. You snacc!"

"Diana, I hardly think—"

"SNACC. Get in my lunchbox YOU SNACC!"

Anne couldn't contain her laughter. Diana was really very funny, in addition to being kind and gorgeous. Anne knew that MANY boys at school would've given their right foot for a date with Diana. Unfortunately for them, Diana only ever admitted to having romantic feelings for one boy. Charlie Sloane.

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