Chapter Five: The Project

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It was finally last period, and Anne was bursting with ideas.

The four teens met in the library which was fortunately empty.

While their books were out on the table, the quartet was doing more chatting than actual work.

"What are you all doing on Monday?" Asked Diana.

"Nothing", said Charlie.

"Reading", said Anne.

"Nothing" said Gilbert.

"That was a trick question because you're all coming to watch my volleyball game! Ruby and Josie said we need to get as many people as possible to come to boost morale, so..."

"I'm in!" Charlie said, a bit too enthusiastically, then added "I uh, I got nothing better to do."

Gilbert and Anne were also happy to support their friends' athletic endeavors. Anne had wanted to join the team, but she was dreadfully uncoordinated in practically every sport. Still, she was content to watch from the bleachers.

Gilbert noticed that Diana seemed particularly pleased that Charlie was going to the game. Feeling bold, he took his phone out of his pocket under the table a shot Anne a text.

Di likes charlie back right

Anne gave him a conspiratorial look from across the table and replied.

Yeah. Obviously lmao.

Gilbert had an idea. He quickly wrote to Anne,

We need to leave them alone. Follow my lead.

After he was sure Anne had read his message, Gilbert stood up from the table and made an announcement.

"We're obviously not getting any work done like this. We need energy! Fuel! I'm going down to the vending machines to get snacks."

Anne practically leapt up from her chair.

"I'll come too!" She exclaimed, prompting Diana to cock a teasing eyebrow at Anne.

"I don't trust you to pick good snacks Blythe," Anne added quickly.

Gilbert wondered why Diana had made that expression at Anne when she elected to join him. Did she know about their plan? Or was it something else?

He didn't have much time to think about it when he was shocked back into reality by the touch of Anne's hand to his wrist.

She was dragging him out of the library to give their friends privacy. Right. Of course she wasn't just trying to hold hands with him.

Gilbert felt a wave of disappointment run over him, followed immediately by confusion. Why was he disappointed that Anne wasn't trying to hold his hand?

"Come on, Hurry up!" Anne said impatiently from the other side of the hallway she had run down.

"What's the rush, don't you wanna them enough time?" Gilbert replied quickly.

Anne stuck her tongue out at Gilbert, a move that, though childish, achieved her goal of getting the boy to go faster.

"Fine Shirley, you want speed," He said, approaching her at a more rapid pace, "Then I'll race you to the vending machines!" He said as he began sprinting past her.

"Hey, no fair!" Anne cried after him, but she took off nonetheless.

They raced down the three flights of stairs to the basement where the vending machines were located, laughing and shouting all the way.

They arrived, slapping a machine at nearly the exact same time, then collapsing into a heaving mess.

"Whew!" Anne exclaimed from her spot leaning against the wall, "that was fun. What does it taste like Gilbert?"

Gilbert was confused.

"What does what taste like?"

"Oh, just the bitter taste of defeat."

Gilbert scoffed.

"I wouldn't know Shirley, seeing as you clearly touched the machine after me."

Anne took a step closer to Gilbert.

"As if! You were miles behind me."

Gilbert tilted his head down to Anne with a mocking grin as he said "really, was I really miles behind you? Because that's not how I remember it."

Anne crossed her arms and tilted her chin up, saying resolutely, "well that's how it happened, Blythe".

There was a beat of silence before the two realized how close they had gotten without noticing.

Simultaneously they backed away, Anne faking a cough and Gilbert feigning great interest in the vending machines.

"So!" He said, breaking the silence, "what should we get?"

"I didn't bring my wallet." Anne said, eyes wide in realization.

Gilbert's hands flew to his pockets.

"Neither did I."


Anne snorted in amusement at their joint stupidity. Soon Gilbert joined in and the two were laughing like old friends do.

Anne supposed they were really friends.

- Whew. Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I had actually just about given up on the story because I didn't know what to do with it when somebody commented and it really inspired me. So a big thank you to that person❤️
- thank you all so much for reading this story lmao
- pls comment any suggestions or ideas u have for this lol

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