Chapter Fifteen: Dumb Boy Hours

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Try as he might, Gilbert could not shake the feeling that he was the stupidest person alive.

Logic and the existence of Moody both refuted this idea, and yet.

He could think of no other explanation for how he had managed to develop a searing crush on Anne while simultaneously making her hate him.

He was so busy wallowing in self pity that he didn't notice his phone ringing until it stopped. Quickly, he grabbed at it and read the screen: missed FaceTime call from Jerry Baynard.

What was this about? Gilbert and Jerry weren't particularly close; they mostly hung out together in groups. Regardless, he called Jerry back.

"Mon Ami! You finally answer you phone!"

Gilbert smiled into his screen. Jerry appeared to be sitting in a tree, phone propped up on a branch.

"Jerry, is there any particular reason that you're in a tree right now?"


"Care to enlighten me?"

"This is my thinking tree."

"What are you thinking about so intensely that it require a tree?".

Jerry took the phone in his hand and brought it closer to his face, almost like he was to whisper a secret.

"That is why I have called you!"

Gilbert's eyebrows shot up, and he remained quiet, waiting.

"Girls like you, no? Yes, anyways, I have a bit of an issue with girls at the moment."

Gilbert stifled a laugh. "All of them?"

"No—two of them. Jane and Ruby."

This was intriguing to Gilbert—as far as he knew Jerry hadn't interacted much with those two. Aside, he remembered, from kissing Jane during a game of Spin the Bottle. A game from which he had had a blissful escape with Anne, who had made him laugh, who's pretty red hair had fallen onto his shoulders when they fell asleep on the couch, who-.

Remembering his current situation, he said, "What's the issue?"

"The issue," said Jerry, "is that today I, em, made out with Jane in the library, but then after school Ruby confessed her attraction to me (who could blame her) and I asked her out on a date."

Gilbert's eyes were the size of saucers.

"Jerry!" He exclaimed, "wha-when did you- why did you-what?"

"Help me mon ami! It is not my fault I am not resistible!"

Gilbert squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"Okay—do you like them? Either of them? How did you end up kissing Jane?"

"I do not know! She was helping me find a book and she kissed me. It was very enjoyable, but she ran away right after."

"Okay, so Jane has a crush on you I guess—what about Ruby. Do you like her?"

"Yes! So much!"

"Than why—pray tell—did you kiss Jane?"

Jerry sighed heavily.

"Gilbert, I am French. You know this."

Gilbert nodded, waiting for an actual explanation.

"So! I love love! It is a curse I say."

Huh. What a tale. Gilbert didn't know what say; he had never been in a situation like this one.

"Jeez Jerry—you might be on your own with this one. I have no idea what to tell you."

"Do not laugh at me!"

"I wasn't!" Cried Gilbert, laughing.

Calming himself down, Gilbert said,

"Look, which girl do you like more?"

Jerry hesitated, but said quietly,


"Tomorrow then, talk to Jane, and tell her you don't like her back—obviously in a nice way."

"What about Ruby?"

"Honestly man, I don't know. You should probably tell her about Jane, but then again, it's kinda up to you."

Jerry let this sink in, leaving the air quiet for a moment.

"Hey Jerry, not that I mind, but why did you call me for this? why not like, Anne, I'm sure she'd totally know what to do."

"Gilbert, you overestimate Anne. She would most probably just scream at me not to date any of her friends! She is evil like this."

Gilbert laughed to himself. Anne would be pissed about this; her forehead would scrunch up, her hair would be flying behind her-

That train of thought was derailed quick by Jerry who said,

"Earth to Gilbert! You are far away now. Do girls have your thoughts as well?"

Gilbert's face heated up.

"Bye Jerry!" He cried, hanging up the phone.

Gilbert flopped back onto his bed in a heap, thinking not about girls as a whole, but of one in specific.
- I'm sorry I never update y'all deserve better
-I have a chapter after this almost done—more shirbert for sure ;)
-what should happen next?
-genuinely just thank you for all the support on this story, it means the world to me ❤️

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