Chapter Eleven: Cotton Balls

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Puffy white cotton balls quickly soaked up the blood dripping from Anne's nose.

Now her only wound was internal.

Frustrated, her head collapsed into her clasped hands. Gilbert hadn't followed her into the nurses office, and she wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed.

Heaving out a heavy sigh, Anne stood up and walked to the door. She didn't know how long she had been in the nurses office, but she was sure the game had to be starting soon.

As she left the office, she was started by the presence of Gilbert, who quickly looked up from his phone upon hearing her footsteps.

She had figured he had gone back to the gym.

They stared at each other for a beat, neither knowing what to say.

"You really didn't have to wait for me. I'm fine." Anne suddenly blurted.

"It's cool. I don't mind." Gilbert replied, letting his mouth quirk into a little smile.

When Anne said nothing in reply, Gilbert cleared his throat and said, "So, um, are you feeling better?"

Anne bit back a smile. Gilbert's concern over her nosebleed made her insides feel funny, like someone was squeezing them.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm splendid."

The pair walked quietly back to the gym, footsteps echoing through the hallways.

As they sat back down on the bleachers, Anne was uncomfortably aware of the space she took up, the feel of her palms on the plastic bleachers, how she looked.

Were people looking at her? Why did she feel a thousand piercing eyes?

Suddenly anxious, Anne dug her index fingernail into her thumb, nearly piercing the skin.

She was snapped out of her reverie, however, when a sharp, high pitched whistle cut through the air.

The game was starting.

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