Chapter Six: Sleepovers

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Charlie was having a sleepover Friday night.

Which meant that Josie, who lived close to Charlie, was also having a sleepover Friday night.

Josie had concocted her plan after overhearing Charlie inviting the boys to his place.

Charlie told the boys they should show up around eight, by which time his parents would be out of town for their conference and they could do anything they wanted.

Josie, absorbing this information, realized this would be the perfect opportunity for some mischief and matchmaking, two of her very favorite things.

Josie grinned devilishly to her self, sending a text to the groupchat inviting the girls and Cole over.

Within a half an hour, everyone had accepted, and Josie's plan had been ricocheted into action.

Jerry was late to Charlie's house, bearing most of a party size bag of Cheetos, the rest of which was already deep in his stomach.

"Hello!" He said cheerily, waving to Gilbert, Moody, Fred, Billy, and of course, Charlie.

A chorus of monotone "Heys" emerged from the boys, who were slumped across Charlie's living room on various couches and chairs.

Billy lifted his head up from behind the couch he was sprawled over. "Charlie you got an Xbox?"

Charlie jutted his chin out. "Hell yeah, it's in the basement, c'mon. I just got Anthem."

The boys ran downstairs, but not before Gilbert  had time to grab coasters for their drinks in an effort to be considerate.

"Hah, nerd." Billy remarked at the coasters.

Charlie smacked the back of Billy's neck. "Shut up Billy, we're using coasters or I swear to God I'm kicking you all out."

Finally, with the boys set up in comfortable positions, they settled into what they thought would be a relaxing night of banter and video games.

Over at Josie's, Anne was a bit on edge.

She loved hanging out with her friends, but she also wanted to get some work done. She had brought her copy of The Odyssey in an effort to mark up some quotes she thought might strengthen her and Charlie's argument, but her friends were proving a distraction.

Josie put her hands staunchly on her hips and sighed. "Anne, you can't seriously be doing homework right now."

Anne quickly shoved the book under her blanket. "No", she replied in what she thought was an innocent tone, "I was simply enjoying the texture of this, uh, this lovely rug!"

Josie scoffed at this obvious lie.

Before Anne could respond, Cole, who had been previously engaged in conversation with Diana and Ruby, grabbed her book and sent it sailing through the air, eventually landing on Josie's plush comforter.

Anne shot up from her sleeping bag, her eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed. "Hey!"

Ruby grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "Anne, come on! A sleepover is not a place for reading!"

Josie chose this moment to execute her ambition, jumping in. "Ruby's right! A sleepover is a place for fun. You know who's fun? Charlie."

Diana coughed in surprise, but tried to maintain her composure. "Wha-What? Josie, why do you say that?"

Josie, reveling in her own genius, replied.

"Well, my poor, enamored companion, I happen to know that Charlie is having a sleepover tonight and his parents are away."

Cole, ever the realist, said "What's your point Josie?"

Josie glared at him, but continued.

"I mean that we should go over there! Diana, you can get with Charlie, and Ruby! Jerry is over there right now! Imagine the possibilities!"

Ruby was already on board, excited at the prospect of seeing Jerry. Tillie and Jane were just happy to do what Josie wanted. Cole was in favor as well, he was just interested in the thrill of sneaking out.

The rest would need some convincing.

"I don't know Josie, we can't just crash their sleepover." Diana said nervously.

"And," Anne continued, "we don't need boys to have fun!"

Josie narrowed her eyebrows. "Anne, you're literally trying to read The Odyssey right now. Clearly this party needs some spicing up."

Anne's mouth fell closed at this. She had no rebuttal to Josie's surprisingly excellent point.

Anne shot Diana an apologetic look.

"Fine," Anne said defeatedly, "I'll go, but only if I can discuss some of my ideas about our project with Charlie."

Diana finally succumbed as she was the last detractor, saying that she "wouldn't be taking the fall if this ended badly"

Finally the group, led by a cocksure Josie, started on their five minute quest to the haven of Charlie Gardner and his unsuspecting buddies.
- dang I really didn't update for a month
- I'm really sorry guys, I don't have a good excuse, I just haven't had any ideas abt this story
-comment what u want to happen lol because idk

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