Chapter Three: Making Plans

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After English, Anne approached Charlie in the hopes of making a plan to start their project.

"So Charlie, here's what I'm thinking. Sure the project isn't technically DUE for another two weeks, but we should get a head start on it, right?"

Charlie nodded dumbly.

"Right! Ok! Do you want to meet during last period this Thursday to plan out our project?"

Charlie considered this, then hatched a plan of his own.

"I was gonna hang out with Gilbert then, but why don't I invite him along instead? You can get Diana to come, and then we can both work on our respective projects" Charlie asked.

Anne gaped. "Diana and Gilbert are partners?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, didn't you read the whole list?" Charlie responded.

"Well, no, I, I suppose I just stopped when I got to my name. Well in any event, your plan sounds good! I'll go tell Diana!"

And with that, Anne turn swiftly on her heel to catch up to her bosom friend, her hair whirling and bouncing behind her.

While walking, Anne began to think. Why did she care that Diana and Gilbert were partners? Why was it such a shock to her?

She figured it was because she didn't want Diana cavorting with her academic rival.

She spotted Diana in the hallway.

"My dearest!" Shouted Anne.

Diana turned, "My one and only!"

Since they had been friends, the two had taken to giving each other loving pet names in the hallway in response to a comment made by Billy Andrews about how they were "weirdly close and probably dating or something".

Anne told Diana the new plan, emphasizing that Charlie would be there.

Diana agreed heartily, "but not because Charlie will be there, but because I am a responsible student, ANNE."

And with their plans made, the students went about the rest of their day at Avonlea High.


Sorry I didn't update for a long time. :(. I've been hella busy, and Idk what do with this story. PLEASE COMMENT IDEAS LMAO.

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