Chapter Nineteen: A Good Kisser

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"And then you ran off?"

Anne hurled herself back on to her bed, burying her face deep in her pillow. Diana sat in shock and glee at Anne's desk, trying to absorb the story she had just heard about what Anne did after school.

"Was he a good kisser?"


Diana looked pleadingly at Anne, who had managed to sit up.

"Anne, if you withhold details from me I will never forgive you as long as I live!"

"Oh Diana reliving it is painful."

"Was he really that bad?"

"No! That's the problem!"

Diana was confused.

"The problem is that he was a good kisser?"

"Yes" Anne moaned.

"I don't follow."

"Diana, don't you see? I've made a fool of myself!"

Diana held back a laugh.

"Anne, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he the one who fell out of a tree?".

"Only after I practically begged him to kiss me! He probably fell on purpose."

Diana had no words.

"Oh, and then when we walked in silence! It was unbearable. I'm sure he was planning to let me down easy. He's so kind like that."

"He was probably just lovestruck."

"No Diana, I was! My heart was racing, and I couldn't think of anything but him. I still can't."

Diana squealed. Anne glared.

"And then, just as he was recovering from his near fatal injury, I stuck my tongue down his throat again! Someone should have me murdered."

"That seems like a little much."

Anne threw her head down, flinging it indelicately over her arms.

"Diana he's so attractive. I can't even stand it. I had to run away from him, because I thought I might devour him."

Diana burst out laughing, letting out uncharacteristic snorts of glee.

Anne groaned loudly into her bedspread.

"Diana this is no laughing matter. What am I to do?"

"Date him!"

"But what if he doesn't like me?"

"Anne. I don't think I've ever heard something stupider come out of your mouth. You guys kissed twice in the last four hours, and you're not sure he likes you?"

"Do you think he does?"

This time it was Diana who groaned.
"And then she ran away?"

Gilbert groaned as his head fell onto his desk.

Charlie let out a wheezing laugh.

"Charlie, what am I supposed to do?" Gilbert said, his anguished words muffled slightly by the surface of the desk.

"I dunno, ask her to go steady or something."

"Go steady? This isn't the 1940s."

"So? Chicks dig that kinda thing."

"And how many chicks have you used it on?"

"You don't have to worry about that. Anne is obviously super into you. So just go for it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, you dumbass."

Gilbert has no response. He was completely catatonic, staring vacantly into his basement wall.

Charlie hurled a pillow at his head, waking him out of his reverie.

Gilbert snapped his attention to Charlie.

"So," Charlie said, in a kinder tone than before, "you must be really into her, you know, to be acting dumb like this."

"Charlie, can I say something stupid?"


"I think I'm in love with her."

"Dude. What the fuck."
-I'm loving all the comments 😂❤️
-sorry this was all dialogue, gonna try to get another update out soon
-I'm thinking that the next chapter or the one after will be the last—what do you think?
-what should happen next?

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