Chapter Eighteen: A Very Tall Tree

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"Gilbert!" Anne screamed.

She vaulted down the tree with alarming alacrity and leapt down onto the forest floor beside Gilbert, whose eyes were closed.

He was scratched up bad all over, and his face was scrunched in pain.

Anne sat frozen for a moment, before frantically shaking Gilbert by the shoulders, yelling "wake up, wake up!" Over and over.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Gilbert's eyes opened, and he let out a groan.

Anne let her head rip back in relief before returning her attention to Gilbert.

"Are you alright?"

Gilbert propped himself up on his elbows.


"I'm serious! Where does it hurt?" She asked, scanning his body for signs of injury.

"I'm fine! Really. I landed on my back!"

With that, Gilbert sat up, squinting with pain.

"Your back is not a good place to land!" Anne said.

"Better than my face." He replied.

"What if you broke your spine?"

"I'd be crying right now if I broke my spine."

Anne fell silent, completely annoyed at Gilbert's stubbornness. Why did boys always pretend they were fine when they weren't?

"You have to go to the doctor." Anne said after a moment.

"Why?" Gilbert said as he stood up, wincing in pain.

"Because you just fell from the sky!" Exploded Anne.

"It was a tree."

"A very tall tree!"

"What if I agree to go to the nurse tomorrow at school?"

Anne huffed, but said "fine."

Silence fell over them.

Gilbert rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to bring up what had happened right before he had fallen.

Anne was in a similar conundrum.

"So," Gilbert plowed on, "that was fun."


"Not that part, but before."

"Oh. That."


Anne felt her face heating up. She kept her eyes glued to the forest floor.

Gilbert was doing the same.

Without a word, the two of them resumed their walk to Green Gables, the air between them heavy.

As they approached her house, Gilbert decided enough was enough. Surely they were going to talk about it? Anne was the most loquacious person he knew and yet she hadn't said a word in what felt like an eternity.

"Anne-" he began.

Unfortunately, it was at that same moment that Anne said, "Gilbert, I-" both intending to start some sort of conversation.

Both fell silent again, until Anne stopped short and turned to face Gilbert.

Mirroring her actions, Gilbert rotated his body to face Anne, quirking an inquisitive eyebrow.

Anne thought he looked beautiful. Ethereal.

Anne took a step closer to the beautiful boy, heart pounding, and placed a hand gently on either side of his face.

Going up on her tiptoes, she murmured into his ear a gentle, "May I?".

Gilbert's breath caught in his throat as he quickly bobbed his head "yes".

Anne grabbed him by the jaw and pressed her lips to his once more.

Just as the kiss began to cross the threshold into something intense, Anne tore her lips from his and turned towards her home, practically sprinting away from Gilbert.

"Goodbye Gilbert!" She called over her shoulder.

"Anne!" He shouted after her, but Anne was determined to close the distance between her and Green Gables, and as a result, did not turn around.

-I especially love the comments they are so sweet and make me laugh a ton <3
-what should happen next?
-NO season 3 spoilers pls

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