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"Dean." I called to him as I laid upside down on my sofa.

"Yes?" He answered me, mimicking my position.

"How long have you and Sofie been together?"

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and I had ordered Dean to come over and entertain me.

"About 8 months."

"Here you two are." I heard my mum as she appeared in my vision. "I have cakes and snacks downstairs for when you're both ready."

"Thanks mum." I called to her.

"Thanks mumma Gee." Dean followed. "Why do you ask?" Dean threw at me after mum disappeared.

"Just wondering. How did you know you like her?"

I have spent most of the day thinking about my feelings and a possibility of what they meant. I had Dom constantly floating around in my thoughts and I couldn't shake him out.

"I don't know, Gee. I always thought she had the most beautiful eyes. Big and round and they always sparkled."

"But how did you know?"

Dean shrugged.

"Do you love her?"

There was silence for a few minutes before Dean answered. "Yeah, I do."

"How long have you known that you love her?" Came my soft voice.

"A few days. I was just looking at her, watching her. I thought to myself, I want to marry her."

"So how did you know?"

Dean turned his head to me. "What's with all the questions?"

I looked at him. "Just answer them." I smiled.

"I didn't like the thought of other males looking at her. I enjoy listening to her voice. I like the way she smiles, especially at me."

"Does she love you?" I stared at the roof, waiting for Dean to reply.

"I don't know. I think so."

I sighed. "What does it feel like, to be in love?"

"There's a difference between love and in love. I have been in love with Sofie for a while now."

"But what does it feel like?"

"I'm not answering that. That's all that feelings and mush."

I giggled. "I won't make fun of you, I promise. I just want to be real, for now."

Dean must have accepted that answer because he continued on.

"For me, it's like time stands still. Your heart races every time you see them or think of them. But the feeling of love?"

I waited patiently for Dean.

"It's to stop expecting them to change, loving them in their own quirky ways. To feel free of letting go of any anger. I don't need Sofie in my life, I want her in my life. I rely on her just as much as I feel her rely on me. I can't live without her. It's a natural high, better than any drug. Love is contentment, pure happiness."

"Wow." I sighed.


"That is the most sappiest and mushiest thing I've ever heard." I busted out laughing.

Dean grunted out in protest.

"I'm not making fun of you." I giggled, wiping the tears away. "I am sorry." I calmed down before I tried talking again.

The Downfall Of Grace GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now